Physician | Doctor Resume
Physician | Doctor Sample Resume
Photographer Resume
Photographer Resume Sample
Photographer Resume
Photographer Sample Resume
Pharmacist Resume
Pharmacist Sample Resume
Pharmaceutical Sales Resume
Pharmaceutical Sales Resume Sample
Pharmaceutical Sales
Pharmaceutical Sales Sample Resume
Personal Assistant
Personal Assistant Sample Resume
Paralegal Sample Resume
Operations Management
Operations Management Sample Resume
Business Development Resume
Business Development Sample Resume
Senior Manager
Senior Manager Sample Resume
Operations Director
Operations Director Sample Resume
Office Manager Resume
Office Manager Resume Sample
OBGYN Physician Resume
OBGYN Physician Sample Resume
Network Support
Network Support Sample Resume
Network Operations
Network Operations Sample Resume
Network Engineer
Network Engineer Sample Resume
National Sales Manager
National Sales Manager Sample Resume
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager Sample Resume
MIS Manager
MIS Manager Sample Resume
Management Information Systems
Medical Transcriptionist Resume
Medical Transcription Sample Resume
Medical Insurance Sales
Medical Insurance Sales Sample Resume
Mechanical Engineer Resume
Mechanical Engineer Sample Resume
Marketing Coordinator Resume
Marketing Coordinator Sample Resume
Marketing Assistant
Marketing Assistant Sample Resume
Manufacturing Resume
Manufacturing Sample Resume
Manager Resume Sample
Manager Resume Sample
Real Estate Manager
Real Estate Manager Sample Resume
Management Resume
Management Sample Resume
Logistics Manager
Logistics Manager Sample Resume
Network Administrator
Network Administrator Sample Resume
IT Director Resume
IT Director Sample Resume
E-commerce Resume
E-commerce Sample Resume
Information Technology
Information Technology Sample Resume
Interior Design Resume
Interior Design Sample Resume
Insurance Sales
Insurance Sales Sample Resume
Information Technology Director
Information Technology Director Sample Resume
Hospitality Management Resume
Hospitality Management Sample Resume
Help Desk Supervisor
Help Desk Supervisor Sample Resume
LAN Administrator
LAN Administrator Sample Resume
Construction Manager
Construction Manager Sample Resume
Sample Resumes
Technical Supervisor
Technical Supervisor Sample Resume
LAN Administrator
LAN Administrator Sample Resume
Help Desk Manager
Help Desk Manager Sample Resume
Network Support Resume
Network Support Sample Resume
Food Services Manager
Food Services Manager Sample Resume
Financial Services
Financial Services Sample Resume
Disaster Recovery Manager
Disaster Recovery Manager Sample Resume
National Sales Manager
National Sales Manager Sample Resume

National Sales Manager Sample Resume
Business Management Resume
Business Management Sample Resume
Office Management Resume
Office Management Sample Resume
Financial Consultant
Financial Consultant Sample Resume
Property Manager Resume
Property Manager | Facilities Manager Sample Resume
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant Sample Resume
Entry Level Programmer
Entry Level Programmer Sample Resume
Telecommunications Technician
Telecommunications Technician Sample Resume
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineer Sample Resume
Office Manager
Office Manager Sample Resume
Office manager resumes can be one or two pages.
If you have been an office manager for many years with more than one company do not be afraid to make your case by using a two page resume.
Your office management resume style or format could be either functional or chronological. Both will work for you.
Customer Support Manager
Customer Support Manager Sample Resume
Customer support, client support or even customer service support management is the life blood of any successful business.
Your management role is vital to the ongoing success and prosperity of the firm or organization you work for.
When you make your resume be sure to be specific and highlight what it is about you that is valuable and desirable.
Be objective about yourself and experience when you write a resume.
Customer Service Manager
Customer Service Manager Sample Resume
Please find a sample resume for a customer service manager that you can use as a template for writing your own winning resume.
Construction Management
Construction Management Sample Resume
Telecommunications Sample Resume
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Officer Sample Resume
Director of Sales
Director of Sales Sample Resume
Call Center Resume
Call Center Sample Resume
Business Development Resume
Business Development Sample Resume
Associate Engineer
Associate Engineer Sample Resume
ASIC Engineer
ASIC Engineer Sample Resume
Application Support
Application Support Sample Resume
Application Architect
Application Architect Sample Resume
Account Manager Resume
Account Manager Sample Resume

account manager sample resume
Job Resume
Sample Job Resume
You need a job, you need a resume, so you need a sample job resume. Without a resume you probably have no chance of getting the the job. When you use a sample job resume you greatly increase your chances of getting the job.
If you have never written a resume or haven’t written a job resume in a long time it would be a good idea to either look at a lot of sample job resumes, hire a professional job resume writer or purchase a package of sample job resumes that have been written by a professional resume writer.
The competition is fierce. There could be hundreds of people applying for the same job you are. Do you think the chances are good you will get the job by submitting a home baked job resume?
If your job resume is bad, the reader of the job resume thinks the same of you. You could be the best job candidate in the world but if your job resume is bad news the resume reader thinks you are bad news.
There are hundreds of free sample job resumes on this website but let me make a suggestion to you.
Give yourself a competitive edge by getting professional help creating a job resume. A professional writer can make a resume that will get you noticed, interviewed and hired.
Do you know how to write a resume? Of course you don’t and there is not enough time in the day for you to learn now.
Review the job resume writing options below:
Sample Job Resume Package you can copy and paste from
Sample Job Resume Builder : With a Money Back Guarantee
Job Resume Writing Service That Guarantees Interviews!
Sample Job Resume

Sample Job Resume
Find the best sample job resume you can and make sure your job resume looks and reads the same. You deserve success and I hope we can help you find it.
Free Sample Resumes
Free Sample Resumes
Free sample resumes are a wonderful tool to help you prepare or make a resume. Free sample resumes will not teach you how to write a resume but they can sure provide you with a blueprint on what a professional resume should look like and read like.
This site is filled with free sample resumes for you to review and read. A free sample resume is the same as a free resume sample, a free resume example or free resume template. they are all great places to start but none of them will get you across the proverbial finish line.
Unless you can find a free sample resume that was written for a person that is the exact same as you, with the exact same work experience, job duties and educational background…you are out of luck. No two people are alike. We have all taken different paths and our resumes should never be the same.
If you are an accomplished writer who has the ability to be and write objectively then you might have a fighting chance by using free sample resumes.
If you are like 99% of the people you are not an accomplished writer, you have a hard time being objective about yourself and work experience and you have not written a resume in many years.
Truth be told you have probably NEVER written a compelling professional resume. Why in the world do you think you can write a compelling professional resume now?
If you had to bet $50,000 that your homemade resume was better than all of the other resumes submitted for a job opening, would you?
If you are being honest and objective with yourself you quickly answer “No way”.
Let me suggest you invest in yourself, your career, your future and your family.
Still don’t believe me?
Lets do some math.
If after investing in professional resume help you get hired two weeks sooner was it a good decision? You are on someones payroll two weeks sooner. If you earn $600 a week that means you have $1200 more by investing in professional resume help than if you wasted your time and effort with a homemade resume you created using free sample resumes.
Get Hired Faster Using Professional Resume Help and Advice
Free Sample Resumes

Free Sample Resumes
If you are not in the position to invest in yourself and still want to use free sample resumes please be sure the free sample resumes you are using have been written by a professional resume writing service that utilizes only certified resume writers.
Sample Curriculum Vitae
Sample CV Resume
Sample cv resumes are no different than a sample resume, sample job resume, sample resume letter or resume example.
All roads to lead to RESUME.
No matter what you call it a resume is a professional career document that is used by job seekers to generate interviews and eventually get hired for a job.
Your cv resume should be expertly written and give the cv reader a reason to quickly pick up the telephone and contact you to schedule a face to face interview.
If you think the purpose of a cv resume is anything other than to create interest and interviews you are all wrong.
Have you ever met anyone that was hired by simply submitting a cv resume? I think not. Most people are hired based on a series of interviews and the thorough vetting of their professional and educational backgrounds.
Let me clarify a bit more. You can certainly be eliminated from consideration for a job based on your cv resume but you will never be hired because of your cv resume by itself.
If you are bound and determined to make your own cv resume (not something I recommend) then be sure you are using a sample cv resume that has been written by a certified cv resume writer.
A professionally written cv resume will make your telephone ring. What are you waiting for?
Sample CV Resume

Sample CV Resume
You can instantly download more than 150 sample cv resumes that you can edit now.
Sample Resume Layout
Resume Layout Example
Although it might seem that there are many different resume layouts there are only a few that are worthwhile.
The most popular resume layout is the Functional Resume. At the top of the resume there is often a Summary of a persons skills and experience followed by abbreviated job information that corresponds with a particular job or career function. This resume layout is often also called a Skills resume. People often use the term resume layout in the same manner they would use the term resume format.
Want the perfect Resume Layout? Hire a Professional Writer.
Resume Sample Layout

Sample Resume Layout
Resume Template: Professional Sample Resumes
Resume Template
Start your resume writing project by reviewing a few resume templates that have been created by a professional resume writer. Using a resume template you just happened on find may be a bad move.
Resume Template Benefits
Resume templates created by a professional resume writer allow you to assure yourself that you are using up to date formats, styles and layouts.
Your resume is a very important document that you need to take seriously.
The resume is your key or ticket to a job interview. The wrong ticket or key means you may get locked out and do not get the job interview.
Free Resume Templates
Look at the resume templates through out our website. If your finished resume does not have the same loom and feel of a professionally written resume, then make changes or consider starting over. The person the first reads your resume sees many resumes and probably deletes or tosses any resume that looks homemade.
The job market competition is fierce. Do all that you can to give yourself an advantage when writing or making a resume.
Resume Templates: Writing Help
If you need resume writing help or resume writing advice we are here to help you and have a series of low cost resume writing options.
Resume Builder
Sample Resumes
Professional Resume Writing
Resume Template
There are hundreds or resume templates, resume samples and resume examples on this site. Take your time and review as many as you need to insure you are moving in the right direction when writing your resume.
Professional Resumes
Professional Resume Samples
Professional resume samples are vital in preparing a homespun resume. If you have to make a resume all by your lonesome you should be looking at and reviewing professional resume samples that have been written by a professional resume writer.
Just because it is called a professional resume does not mean that you have to be a professional level job seeker to utilize a professional resume. Just like the saying that you can never be over dressed the same holds true for resumes. Your resume can never ever look too good or read too well.
A resume written by a professional resume writer always looks and reads like a professional resume should. A resume written by a job seeker can sometimes look like a professional resume but it rarely if ever reads like a professional resume.
It is not easy for a job seeker to write objectively about themselves and it is not easy for a job seeker to be up to date on the latest and greatest professional resume writing techniques, guidelines and formats.
Download Sample Resume Package
If you must write your own resume for monetary reasons I suggest the least you do is invest $20 and download or professional sample resume package that allows you to edit any one of over 175 professional resumes.
If you want your resume to look like the one below then download our sample resume package now.
Professional Resume Samples
Sample Resume Formats
Resume Formats
Sample resume formats are the same thing as sample resume styles and sample resume layouts.
They all mean the same thing when it comes to resume writing.
The resume format dictates the order and fashion in which you communicate your message to the resume reader.
The resume format DOES NOT change the purpose of the resume but it does change the order of the information and how much and what kind or information you provide and highlight.
A functional resume format will highlight your skills and job specific experience rather than your position title or industry.
A skills resume format will prominently highlight the specific skills you poses that make you an outstanding candidate for a specific job.
A chronological resume format will provide an entirely different message to the reader. With a chronological resume format you will be highlighting your progression and experience within a specific industry or career role.
Each resume format has a specific purpose and each sample resume format will create a different message for the reader.
Take the time to look at a series of sample resume formats to get a feel for which resume format will work best for you.
Sample Resume Formats

Sample Resume Formats
You can Instantly Download more than 150 Sample resume Formats Here.
Sample Chronological Resume
Sample Resume Chronological Format
The chronological resume format is by far, the most common resume format in use.
In using this resume format, the main body of the resume becomes the Professional Experience section, starting from your most recent job experience going chronologically backwards through a succession of previous job or career experiences. This resume works to build credibility through experience gained, while illustrating career growth over time within a specific industry or career / job function.
A sample chronological resume would not be the best choice for young people, new graduates, job hoppers, career changers or people reentering the work place.
Do you want your Chronological resume custom written with an interview Guarantee?
Sample Chronological Resume

Sample Chronological Resume
Sample Resume Example
Example Resumes
Looking for a sample resume example? You are in the right place. It is my guess you are looking for sample resume examples for the wrong reason but just the same you are in the right place.
If you were planning to serve dinner to some friends would you go to the local grocery story and gather as many free samples as you could and try to throw them together to create a great meal? If your guests are friends I don’t think you would. I am all for some time and money saving short cuts but how far is too far?
Resume Samples
You can search high and low for a sample resume example but it won’t do you much good unless you can find a sample resume example that was written by a professional resume writer for an individual with the same background, job experience and education that you have.
What are the chances of that? Pretty slim if you ask me and I have been reading resumes for most of my adult life.
Let me suggest to you that you invest in yourself, family and career. Give yourself every advantage you can. The job market is competitive enough without you shooting yourself in the foot. Chances are you are not the only person applying for a particular job opening. More likely there could be 40-50-80-100-200 other job seekers applying for the same job.
Are you willing to bet that your sample resume example homespun resume is compelling enough to have the resume reader immediately pick up the telephone and call you to schedule an interview? If you do you are sadly mistaken and will continue to remain a member of the unemployed job seekers club or the under employed job seekers club.
Wouldn’t you rather quickly become a member of the I have a Job, a paycheck and a future club?
You are certainly able to use all of the sample resume examples available on this website and many others but I would strongly suggest you leave the baking to the professional bakers.
Get a Professional Resume That comes with an Interview Guarantee!
Sample Resume Example

Sample Resume Example
If you understand what I am explaining to you about resume writing and sample resume examples but are tight on cash you can try our resume builder that comes with a money back guarantee.
Functional Resume
Sample Functional Resume
When trying to determine which resume format will best support your goal of being interviewed and hired it makes sense to look at and review a sample functional resume.
A sample functional resume will help you to determine if your employment goals are best supported and displayed by highlighting your skills and job responsibilities rather then your job titles and work industries.
With a sample functional resume you can see how other like job seekers and resume writers have used the functional resume format to highlight their strengths and disguise their weaknesses.
Let a Professional Resume Writer help you choose the correct resume format.
Example of Functional Resume

Sample Functional Resume Format
Good Resume
Good Sample Resume
A good sample resume would be a resume that has been written by a professional certified resume writer. You can search high and low to find many sample resumes but you are wasting your time and putting your job search in serious jeopardy if the good sample resume you decide to use has not been written by a professional resume writer.
If you had a broken leg would you go to your local gas station for advice and treatment?
It is important that your resume be professional and well written. You can actually make a good resume all by yourself by either using a resume builder or by using our sample resume writing package.
Of course the very best resume would be a resume custom written by a certified professional resume writer.
You can be sure that if you choose to make a resume all by yourself that you will not be alone. Many short sighted job seekers are perfectly happy presenting an amateur resume when applying for a job. You should also know that there will be a few of your competitors who will have invested in themselves and gotten help in creating their professional resume.
The resume below is a good sample resume. If you happen to be exactly like the person the resume was written for then you are good to go. If though your experience and background is not the same the only benefit you will receive from this good sample resume would be to see how the resume is formatted.
An Example of a Good Resume

Good Sample Resume : Good Resume Sample
The least you can do to ensure that you have a good resume would be to invest $20 in yourself and career and download our sample resume writing package that contains resume templates and 175 different sample resumes that you can edit. Each of the templates and sample resumes has been created by a professional certified resume writer.
Resume References
Sample Resume References
Do not put references on your resume. If an employer wants and needs references they will ask for them at the appropriate time.
Sample resume references are not a good idea. Your resume could end up anywhere and be accessed by anyone. Do you know what happens to your resume at each of the online resume job sites? What happens to your resume when you respond directly to a job at a company?
References on your resume is just way too much information. I do not think that your references want to be contacted by every Tom, Dick and Harry.
Resumes and references work together but you don’t put the references on your resume. When you are using a sample resume to help you make a resume you should at the same time begin to compile and create a list of professional and personal references that an employer or recruiter might ask for as you begin the interview process.
Many people create a reference sheet or reference letter ahead of time so that when they are asked for references they are prepared and professional.
Job References
There is a professional protocol that should be followed when providing a list of references to a potential employer. Let me make a few suggestions.
Contact all potential references and ask their permission to be used as a reference.
If the individual agrees to be a reference for you ask them how they would like to be contacted by a potential employer or recruiter you are working with.
Each time you provide your references to an employer or recruiter you contact each reference and alert them so they can be prepared and expect contact.
After you have completed the resume, application, interview process please remember to contact each reference and thank them for their help and assistance.
Choose Your References Wisely
The references you provide an employer or recruiter are an extension of you and represent you. If a potential reference is not reliable or professional it might be a good idea to find a different reference.
Checking references is a funny thing. The employer and recruiter in most cases expect you to provide references that will give you glowing and positive recommendations. If a reference gives you anything but a positive…you are the best in the world reference….you are in trouble.
The most professional and aggressive employers and recruiters will not only check the references you provide them but they will also do some reference checking on their own. Calling past employers and coworkers at the very least. If in your opinion there are people out there that will not or would not give you a positive reference you need to be prepared to explain why they wouldn’t.
You can be the perfect candidate for a job, have a great professional resume, have a series of great interviews but if your references shoot you down… will no longer be the front runner for the job. Be proactive and prepared to explain any and all situations, issues or comment. If there is a potential issue it is often good policy to disclose it up front so your view, voice or opinion can be heard and reviewed.
Professional Resume Writer Guarantees You get Interviewed
Sample Functional Resumes
Looking for sample functional resumes? You are in the right place. Our sample resume website has been created by a team of certified professional resume writers who know a thing or two about resumes, resume styles, resume formats and and of course functional resumes.
Do you know which resume format you need to use? When you make a resume you need to understand the purpose of the resume and the best method or format to display your information. By not using the right resume format you could be selling yourself short.
Functional resumes are all about telling the reader about what you do well rather then about who and where you have worked.
Often times the functional resume will be about telling the reader “You should hire me and here are the reasons why.”
At the top of a functional resume you can use a summary area and follow it with a skills or accomplishments area.
Do not, I repeat do not have an Objective statement at the top of your resume or even at the bottom of your functional resume. The sad truth is that the reader of your resume has little interest in what your “objective” is. The reader of your resume is primarily concerned about their own or the companies objective. This is not little league so please do not confuse things by thinking the reader is at this point concerned about you.
Stay focused on the singular purpose of a resume: To Get Interviews.
Skills Resume Format
You have two things to consider when writing a resume and deciding which resume format or resume style to choose.
What resume format best supports by experience and skills?
What resume format best supports by employment goals?
Skills Resume
A skills resume is one of my favorites as it immediately tells the reader what you are good at. Lets face it, every job requires some sort of skill or skill sets. Why not make it easy for the resume reader to see what it is you do well and why you are qualified for a particular job. If you are actually short on marketable and desirable skills then a skills resume would not be a good choice.
Sample Resume Skills
Sample resume skills should be front and center at the top of your resume. List your skills as bullet points or create a summary paragraph that explains and highlights them.
Professional Resume Writer
If you have unique and marketable skills then look for sample resume skills that have been written by professional resume writers. A professional resume writer actually knows what employers want to read. They know how to craft excellent skills resumes so be sure the sample resume skills you are reviewing has been written by a professional writer. Homemade sample resume skills examples will only lead you down a dark and lonely road that will result in no interviews.
Financial Analyst
Sample Financial Analyst Resume
Just because you are a stellar financial analyst doesn’t mean you are equipped to write a professional resume.
You spend hours each day analyzing financial data and making recommendations. If you were a hiring manager would you hire a professional resume writer for a position as a financial analyst?
Your education and experience as a financial analyst has helped you develop the analytical skills that more often than not help your company or employer succeed. You are paid to make the right decisions and choices everyday.
Professional Financial Analyst Resume
When it comes to writing a financial analyst resume what decision will you make? Will you waste time and effort by attempting to write your own resume or will you make the choice that saves you time, money and also puts you in the best position to be interviewed and hired?
Successful Professionals hire Specialized Professionals
Sample Financial Analyst Resume

Sample Financial Analyst resume
Sample Banking Resume
If you are in banking and you need to look at a sample banking resume please make sure it has been written by a professional resume writer who completely understands the banking industry and workplace.
Banking resumes are different than a teaching resume or a nursing resume. There are only two kinds of people that can write an effective banking resume. An individual who is in the banking business with many years of banking experience or a professional resume writer who specializes in writing and making banking resumes.
Hire A Professional
In that you are in the banking industry you probably have a good grasp on the value of time and money.
Money spent wisely is often an investment. What better to invest in than yourself? The sooner you get hired the sooner you get back on the payroll.
A professional banking resume will get you hired much faster and actually save you a lot of time and money.
Have our Professional Resume Writers make you a Banking Resume
Sample Banking Resume

Sample Banking Resume
Information Technology
Information Technology Sample Resume
Information technology resumes are a unique bird. The obstacle you face when trying to make an information technology resume is the balancing of technical and functional information while at the same time making sure a non technical reader can also understand and appreciate your resume.
In most cases the first person to read your IT resume will not be as tech savvy as you would like to think. Technology skills are a language all to themselves. You want to make it easy for the resume reader to understand and also make it easy for them to see your value proposition.
Find an Information Technology sample resume that you think your grandmother could read and understand. If the Information technology sample resume you find is a billboard of computer languages, operating platforms, databases and technical training courses that would not be a good sample resume or resume format to emulate.
The purpose of the Information Technology resume is to tell the reader why you are the right candidate for the job and to ask for the job. If you write the resume properly and present your skills and background properly the resume reader will be asking when they can schedule a face to face interview.
When you have completed your Information technology resume ask yourself “would I be willing to wager a months salary, that this resume will get me interviews.”
Professional Information Technology Resume
If you don’t answer yes to that question you need to hire a professional resume writer. A custom professional resume will get you interviewed and hired faster, much faster.
Would you invest $200 to get back on a payroll one month sooner? Hire a Professional Resume Writer that guarantees the interview.
Information Technology Sample Resume
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant Resume Samples
Admin, assistant, secretary, administrative, receptionist and clerical resumes have a common theme.
Your resume message should be that you are professional, competent, reliable, flexible, skilled and a team player.
Admin Assistant
If by using administrative assistant resume samples you can get this message across you are sending the right message and will probably soon be interviewing for a job.
Throughout this sample resume writing website you will find administrative assistant resume samples, receptionist resume samples, secretary resume samples as well as office manager and clerical sample resumes.
Find the one that best mirrors your background, skill set and job target.
Admin Assistant Resume Options
If you are struggling to make a resume we have two low cost resume helpers that can make your resume writing project a lot easier and faster.
Sample Resumes you can download and edit quickly
Step by Step Resume Builder that comes with a money back guarantee
Administrative Assistant Resume Samples
Sample Management Resumes
Management Resume Examples
Sample management resumes can have many different purposes. Sample management resumes can have many different formats and many different layouts.
A management resume worth calling your own had better make the telephone ring loud and often.
Your management resume should be written to serve only one purpose. To compel or motivate the first person who reads it to either pick up the telephone and call you or to quickly email it to the hiring manager so they can call you.
Management resumes serve no other purpose but to earn interviews for a job seeker. Even the best management resumes will never be the reason a manager gets hired. Management resumes that are less than the best ARE reasons you won’t get interviewed and subsequently hired.
Perhaps damned if you do and guaranteed double damned if you don’t.
You have spent a lot of time and money through the years investing in your management career through education, seminars and snappy suits. I don’t imagine now would be a good time to stop investing in your management career.
Most likely you are not an expert professional writer who writes and makes resume everyday. Most likely you are not trained to be objectively write about yourself. if you are…then you are better qualified than 99.0% of your competition.
If you are like most of the other professional managers out there and you excel at managing people, processes and products fell free to take a quick glance at the sample management resumes this sample resume site provides. Do not spend too much time looking as you need to make a fairly important decision that is going to affect your short term and long term cash flow.
When done properly short term pain leads to long term gain.
Here are the choices you need to manage:
1. You can immediately invest $20 in your career and download a series of professional management resumes and templates that you can edit.
2. You can invest $40 in your management resume and download our management resume builder that comes with a no questions asked money back guarantee.
3. You could invest in hiring a certified professional resume writer and resume writing service that will guarantee you get interviewed.
That wasn’t hard was it?
This is how your Management Resume can look
Sample IT Resumes
Sample IT resumes are a dime a dozen and can be found on this sample resume web site and a zillion others. If you want your IT resume to look and read like every other IT resume then drive on.
If you would prefer that YOUR IT resume to be unique, compelling, well written and designed to get INTERVIEWS that sit back and spend some time with me.
As an IT professional I am guessing you pay attention to detail, are often analytical and always ready to learn new things.
Here is a news flash. You are not a professional resume writer and you can not be objective when writing about yourself, skills and career. You are certainly equipped to list your name, your technology skills, employers and educational background but do you really think that will make employers rush to call you and set up an interview? Nope, not a chance.
The individual who first reads your resume will probably have little interest or understanding of technology. If your IT resume does not motivate this first reader…who is often times called a “gate keeper” you will get the same results all the other tired and worn our IT resumes get. The silent treatment. The no thanks we have no interest in calling you or even emailing you treatment.
If you have submitted your resume to 10-20-30-40 positions and you never get a response, I would like to think you would realize it has nothing to do with you, your skills or experience but with your tired, boring, run of the mill IT resume.
What makes your IT resume stand out from all the others? What makes your IT resume jump to the top of the pile? What makes that gatekeeper immediately email your resume to the technical manager? What makes the technical manager stop what he is doing and reach out to you to schedule an interview?
Do you know the answer to those questions? Would you like me to share the answer to those questions with you?
All you have to do is hire me and I will answer those questions, custom write a compelling resume for you and GUARANTEE you get Interviewed.
Sample IT Resume
human resources
Sample HR Resume
Of all the people in the world I would like to think that HR professionals would understand the value of a professional resume writing service.
I understand that a sample HR resume is a great place to start but lets not have it where we finish. Just because you are a Human Resources professional and have looked at hundreds of resumes that does not qualify you to write a resume. You would have to be an extraordinary writer as well as have the ability to be completely objective in writing about yourself.
You know what happens to resumes. You now the process and flow of resumes to and within most companies. Would your time be best spent laboring over the writing of your HR resume or would your efforts be better served preparing for interviews and networking? There is only so much time in a day and only so much wasted effort that you can expend before you become discouraged. We both know that nobody hires a discouraged candidate and a hiring professional can see and smell a discouraged candidate from a mile away.
You have a professional career and a professional wardrobe. if you want to continue wearing those sharp outfits I suggest you hire a professional resume writing service that will guarantee you get INTERVIEWED.
Sample HR Resume
office manager
Office Manager Resume Sample
Being the manager of any office is a challenging and demanding position.
Often times the office manager is tasked with a long list of duties that can sometimes be quantified and a longer list of responsibilities that the employer probably doesn’t even realize.
Find an office manager resume sample to get an idea of what a professional resume should look like. If the office manager resume sample has been written by a professional resume writer you have the makings of a solid resume that should get you interviewed.
Office management is not to be taken lightly and is often a vital and taxing role within a company. I myself have worked in offices where the most valuable employee was the office manager. The company office earned millions of dollars a year because it was a well managed. Our office manager supported all of the internal employees, as well as vendors and customers.
Office Manager Skill Set
At first glance it would seem that an office manager is a jack of all trades. That is sometimes the case but more often than not all successful office managers have a core set of skills.
The best office managers are:
Even tempered
Customer support driven
Knowledgeable about the business
Pay attention to detail
Feel free to review all of the office manager resumes on this sample resume web site. If you need more help we have a series of resume options and services that will make your resume writing project easier and more successful.
Editable Professional Resume Samples
Resume Builder with a satisfaction guarantee
Professional Resume Writing Service that guarantees the interview.
Customer Service Resume
Customer Service Resume Samples
Customer service positions are the front line of most businesses. If the customer is not happy, the company will not survive.
When looking for a customer service resume pay attention to where the sample resume came form and who wrote the resume.
If you find and use a resume sample that Joe the knucklehead wrote you are on the wrong path. Joe the knucklehead is unemployed and probably for good reason…he has a crappy resume.
Find a customer service sample resume that has been custom written by a professional resume writer. You can find customer service resumes throughout this sample resume website. You will find the right format, style and layout to make a resume. Your job resume for customer service should highlight all of the skills and experiences that make you an outstanding candidate for a customer service position.
The sole purpose of a well crafted customer service resume is to get interviews. When making a resume do not write a book or start telling your life story. Instead please concentrate on why you should be hired for a customer service position.
Most of us do not know how to write a resume. We struggle with writing as well as grammar. If you are like most of us you could use some help to make a resume.
We have tools that will help you write a resume.
Professional Resume Templates to edit
Easy Resume Builder
Resume Writing Service that guarantees you get Interviewed.
Customer Service Resume Samples
MBA Sample Resume
Although you have spent a good deal of time and a great deal of money investing in your MBA program and you would like to scream about it from the roof tops the truth is an MBA sample resume is no different than any other professional / executive resume.
The only caveat would be if you are a student who has just completed an MBA program and have little or no paid professional work experience.
You will find an MBA sample resume below but it will do you little good actually.
Let me ask you my MBA sample resume searching friend. Would the CEO of a Fortune 500 company be found creating sales collateral or sales brochures? Probably not, because that is not one of the many professional and desirable skill sets they possess and employ on a regular basis.
Likewise you are not a professional resume writer with the ability to be write objectively about yourself. If you think you are you are kidding yourself.
If the position you seek is also being sought by standard college graduates then you are in luck as a vast majority of them will operate with a homemade resume and your homespun MBA resume will not stick out like a sore MBA thumb.
Use A Professional Resume Writer
On the other hand if the position you are seeking will only attract other MBA graduates and other high end executives you are in a bucket full of trouble if you even think about utilizing homemade career documents.
Now is not the time to have short arms. Now is the time to step on the gas full throttle. I can guarantee you that a majority of your job seeking competitors will employ the expert skills and advice only a certified (not quite like and MBA) professional resume writer can provide.
Have your MBA resume custom written by a professional resume writing service that guarantees you get interviewed.
MBA Sample Resume
Business Analyst
Sample Business Analyst Resume
Writing a business analyst resume is not as hard as you would think if you use the right tools. Finding a sample business analyst resume that was written by a professional writer is another story.
Often time the only sample business analyst resumes you can find are resumes for business analyst that are out of work and looking for a job. Not a good resume to emulate. For all you know that person is applying for the same positions you are.
The best place to find a sample business analyst resume would be on a professional resume writer website. This sample resume web site would be the kind of place you could find a good analysts resume. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and unsuspecting.
Once you find a good business analyst resume what you do with it is very important and will probably make a big difference in generating interviews.
If you take the sample resume and use it as a guide and as a suggestion tool you will probably do ok. If you take it and just start replacing your name and information you are in for trouble and a telephone that doesn’t ring.
Like any good writing you need to have an outline that has been written and rewritten more than a few times. Try to be as objective as you can about your company, your industry as well as your duties, responsibilities and accomplishments.
When you think you have completed writing your business analyst resume ask yourself if you would bet two weeks salary that when you send this resume to an employer he will want to interview you for an available position. If you can’t say that then you owe it to yourself, your career, family and wallet to get help with your resume writing.
Business Analyst Resume Example
You might like to try a resume builder that comes with a money back guarantee!
Retail Resumes
Retail Resume Sample
Be careful when using the Internet to find a retail resume sample. Not all retail resume samples are created equal.
Retail Resumes
When you need to make a resume for retail you have to be sure that the sample or template you are using is the right one.
You could be using the old worn out retail resume sample of someone that didn’t have a clue and is unemployed.
Just because you don’t know how to write a resume at this point does not mean you can’t learn how to write a resume.
When looking for a retail resume sample make sure you find one that has been written by a professional writer. Professional writers are skilled at making resumes that are attractive, well written, compelling and grammatically correct.
Spell a word wrong or make a grammar error on your retail resume and you will not be getting called for an interview. You are expected to be able to communicate clearly and do it mistake and error free. There are no do overs in resume writing.
If you would like to make quick work of your resume writing project I recommend you use our resume builder to craft a great resumes.
Clerical Resumes
Clerical Resume Sample
Create a resume for a clerical position by downloading a clerical resume sample that has been prepared by a professional resume writer. When you make a resume for a clerical job your first priority should be to get an interview.
Clerical Resume Ideas
You might not know how to write a resume but you will have to show, explain or detail to the resume reader why they should hire you for a clerical job.
Let the reader know you have the skills for the job as well as the experience they are looking for.
A clerical job resume is no different than any other job resume.
You need to pay attention to detail, spell check and have friends read your resume before you submit it to an employer.
Clerical Resume
You only get one chance to make a good impression
If the resume that you write is not attractive and well organized I promise the resume reader will think the same of you.
You want to make it easy for the the company to hire you. Give them reasons why they should hire you for the clerical position and also ask them for the job.
If you never ask for the job often time you will not receive it. Most employers appreciate motivated job candidates, workers and employees.
For those among us who are not skilled writers there are a two resume writing tools that will make quick work of the resume writing project:
Resume Builder that guarantees 100% satisfaction
Resume Template Package
Administrative Resume
Administrative Resume Samples
If you do not know how to write a resume or make a resume you have found the right website. This sample resume website has a wealth of expert resume help, resume advice as well as resume samples, resume templates and resume examples.
Administrative resume samples can be found by using the search function at both the top and bottom of the sample resume website. You will find resume formats that other administrative people use and also different resume layouts and styles. Depending on your background and experience your administrative resume could be a functional resume, chronological resume or even a skills based resume. Any of these formats makes for an excellent job resume.
Let me suggest that you only look at or review administrative resume samples that have been written by a professional resume writer. If the administrative resume samples you use have been written by random administrative employees you might not be helping yourself as much as you would like to think.
I know writing a resume is not the most fun project in the world but it is a very important one. You administrative resume as well as any other resume could possibly be one of the more important documents you own or create.
Employers expect your administrative resume to be well written, organized and an attractive easy to read career document. Make it easy for the employer to read and understand your administrative experience and skills. If your resume has been written properly the reader of the resume will be motivated to contact you and schedule an interview. Resumes are used to create interviews, not to tell your life story or bore the resume reader to tears.
The easier your resume is to read, the easier it is for an employer or recruiter to hire you. The resume writing process is pretty simple if you are organized and take the time to think objectively about your experience and skills.
Take the time to review the administrative resume samples below and if you want your resume to look like that we can help you. We provide three uniquely different resume writing aids that will make your resume better and easier to prepare.
Sample resume and template package that you can download and edit immediately.
Resume Builder that comes with a no questions asked money back guarantee
Professional custom resume writing service that guarantees you get INTERVIEWED!