Windows Administrator Resume
Windows Administrator Sample Resume
This Windows Administrator sample resume is no different than a resume example or resume template.
Use this resume to get started on your resume writing.
If you are stuck, then use our free online resume builder to create your professional resume.
Like most technology resumes your Windows Administrator resume should balance your technical and functional skills, experience and education.
Writing Resumes
Are you in the process of applying for a professional job? If you are, then you probably will need to start writing resumes. Why should you consider writing resumes instead of writing just one resume? It’s because you will want to tailor your resume on the basis of the position you are applying for.
Custom Resume Writing
You don’t want to send a generic resume to all of your potential employers, because it may not appeal to them as much as a custom resume. However, if you’re like many people the thought of writing resumes period might seem a little intimidating. Don’t worry. This article will help get you started in the process of writing resumes by explaining the basics of what you need to do.
Resume Writing Examples
The best way to start writing resumes is to do the obvious: look at samples of other resumes people have written. In fact, it’s best if you can look at resume samples that directly relate to the job you are looking for. This will better assist you when you begin writing resumes of your own. For example, if you’re interested in a transcription job, looking up “transcription resume” would better help you in writing those types of resumes than looking up “sample resumes” in general.
Resume Builder
Once you’ve gotten some idea on the proper format for writing resumes, you can begin creating the resume. The software you can use for writing resumes can range from a simple word processing program such as Microsoft Word to something more complex, such as a resume builder. Both will work for writing resumes, it’s just that they do their jobs in a different way. If you’re writing resumes in a word processing program, you’ll either have to do most of the formatting yourself or use a template. Yet, if you’re writing resumes in a resume builder, while you still use a template, the process is much more automated. This is because the software actually assists you during the time you are writing resumes, if you even want to use that term for yourself, since in actuality the resume builder is doing the writing. All you really have to do is answer the questions the resume builder puts forth. Once they are answered, the builder creates your resume instantaneously.
Writing A Cover Letter
When you are finished writing resumes, you need to draft cover letters. What are cover letters? These are letters that ‘pre-sell’ both yourself and your resume to your employer. The first paragraph explains that you are applying for a job, while the second and third paragraphs provide a summary of the attached resume. The fourth paragraph thanks the potential employer for their consideration and directs them to where the resume is. If you need to see exactly what a proper cover letter should look like, there are samples available on the Internet, just like there are for resumes.
Resume Writing Summary
All in all writing resumes doesn’t have to be tedious and frustrating. In fact, with the right software writing resumes can be quite rewarding both for your pocket book, (since you don’t have to pay to have your resume written) and your own self-esteem. This is because nothing beats the feeling you get when you get dozens of calls and interviews based on your own resume-writing genius.
Writing A Resume
If you are writing a resume, there are some things you should remember that can help your resume make a better impact and improve your chances of getting an interview. Employers only spend a few seconds looking at resumes, so you need to make sure that your resume makes the best impact. Keep the following things in mind if you are writing a resume.
Resume Design
Your resume needs to grab attention at first glance. When you are writing a resume, remember to use headings that relate to the job you are applying for. Think about what skills and qualifications your potential employers are looking for and remember them when writing your resume. Make each heading interesting and directly related to what the employer wants.
When writing a resume, remember to make the design aesthetically pleasing. You want you resume to stand out because it is clean, organized, and the text is balanced with open space. You do not want your resume to stand out because it is cluttered or hard to read. Remember to keep your resume design simple and don’t cram too much in when writing a resume.
Be specific in your resume. One of the biggest mistakes people make when writing a resume is to be too vague. Use numbers and facts to explain your work history and achievements. When writing a resume, you should also pay close attention the words you use. Using interesting verbs and action words will make your resume more interesting and applicable to the job you are applying for. Always remember when writing your resume to be specific and really let employers know what skills and qualifications you have that will benefit the company.
Using Appropriate Keywords When Writing A Resume
Another step you should take when writing a resume is to incorporate keywords fro the job listing into your resume. The job qualifications and other information in the job listing are great things to use when writing a resume. Specifically mentioning these things will show that you are indeed qualified for the job and pay attention to what is required. Being specific is an important part of any resume and a step you should always remember when writing a resume.
When writing a resume, you should also make sure you prioritize the information. Make sure the most important information is at the top as this space is contains the first information prospective employers will see. Before you begin writing a resume, identify which information is of the most value to the company and include it at the top. Remembering these suggestions when writing a resume will help it to make a stronger impact and be more interesting to the reader.
Write A Resume
It is time to write a resume or update one. It all seems so overwhelming. Follow the 7 easy steps below and it will lead you right through the process. The whole process of how to write a resume begins with your assessment of yourself.
Write a Resume Step 1
Which style fits you? Do you have a steady solid work history? Or are you entering the job market for the first time. Maybe you were once in the workforce, but have been home with children. Now it’s time to reenter the job market.
To write a resume, first pick one of the following styles.
Solid, consistent work history – Chronological Resume Style (you can also use a combo if you want)
Entering the job market for the first time – Functional Style or Combination Style
Re-entering the job market – Functional Style or Combination Style
Changing Industries – Functional Style or Combination Style
Spend some time online analyzing the different resume styles. To write a resume in the functional style is probably least effective, so use the Chronological Work History (starting with your most recent job first) or the Combination Style. The combination style allows you to show off your skills and minimize your work history record. In today’s fast paced world where you resume gets maybe 20 seconds, the Summary of skills right up front has a better chance of getting you
Write a Resume Step 2
Find resume samples that are appropriate to your industry. Decide which ones you like. Now analyze why you like them. Look at the words they use, look at how the person has sold themselves. Notice the action words and power words in the descriptions. Notice that the candidate is showing the potential employer how they will bring value to the position and the company.
Write a Resume Step 3
Find a resume template that you want to use. Maybe it’s just a free template or maybe you decide to use a resume builder. The resume builder will allow you to make many changes in your resume. Depending on the resume builder you can print out the same information in different resume styles.
Write a Resume Step 4
Now it’s your turn to write a resume summary. Note your achievements and accomplishments. Do a search online for action words and power words. To write a resume and have it be effective be sure you are using as many of these as appropriate in your summary. Once you’ve written the summary, read it out loud. How does it sound?
Write a Resume Step 5
Do the Chronology (most recent job first). Include your achievements and accomplishments, not an exhausting list of your responsibilities and duties.
Write a Resume Step 6
Proof it! Proof it! And then proof it again. Use your spell checker, use friends. Have several other people proof it if you can. You do not want any errors on this document.
Write a Resume Step 7
Send it out.
Sample Resume Objectives
Writing a resume objective can be one of the most difficult parts of writing a resume. If you’re not clear about your goal for employment, it’s best to sit down and get an idea of what you want to convey.
Your potential employer will look at you more favorably if you state a focused goal.
Some people choose to include their resume objectives in their cover letter instead of their resume. Either way is fine, as long as it’s stated. Your employment directive for your potential employer should be clear and specific. It should focus on the job position that you’re applying for.
If you’re stumped on how to write resume objectives, you can do a search online for “sample resume objectives”. You will find examples of these that you can tailor to your own resume objective.
Examples Resume Objectives
In a resume, sample resume objectives come after your personal information. They usually begin with the words “objective”, professional objective” or “career goals”. Sample resume objectives are short, no more than three line of text. Your potential employer doesn’t want to spend time reading your life story. Sample resume objectives can be in sentence or phrase format.
Included in sample resume objectives are the key reasons why you feel you are qualified for the job. Sample resume objectives also emphasize your goals in relation to the job you’re applying for. Sample resume objectives give examples on how to focus on your intended audience, your potential employer. Your qualifications should match those of the position. Conducting research can assist you in presenting the right angle to your intended audience.
Sample resume objectives include questions about you and the potential employers. The answers can also help you craft a specific statement focused to your intended audience or prospective employer. Some of the questions include finding out your main goals as well as your potential employer, your work interests and what your potential employer has available, etc. Compiling your answers will help you get a better idea of how to structure your resume objective.
In sample resume objectives, look for objectives that are specific. Sample resume objectives usually contain samples that are detailed, as opposed to being general. Specific resume objectives stand out because the goal or focus is clearly stated. Questions such as, What kind of position? and What kind of experience? can narrow down what to include in your resume objective.
Examples of Sample Resume Objectives
“A position as an Administrative Assistant to use my skills in the fields of office management and customer service.” This sample resume objective shows that these two fields can be implemented into that position.
Look at this sample resume objective:
“A scientist specializing in spinal cord treatments.”
This sample resume objective describes a specific job position. Sample resume objectives also use different choices of words to fit your intended audience or potential employer. Just remember, the more specific you are, the better chance you have of getting that job.
Sample Resumes
You found it, the job you always wanted, or at least the advertisement for it. Now, how do you get it?
Your resume is your first point of contact with your potential new employer. How do you create the best resume possible? How do you get your employer to notice you? Finding sample resumes on the internet are a great way to begin the process. There are tons of free sample resumes that you can look through to give you ideas.
Search Sample Resumes
Find the sample resumes that are geared for your specific industry and job type. But don’t just copy them. Relying totally on sample resumes will not assist you to stand out in the crowd.
Sample resumes are written to be general. And you want your advertisement for you to be specific. You want it to address the needs of the company and to be about what that specific employer wants and needs and how you can be of value to the company. So before you begin, analyze the job announcement. Ask yourself if you were doing the hiring what would you want, what would make you pause as you scanned several hundred resumes? Sample resumes alone are not going to give you that answer.
Sample resumes are intended as the skeleton upon which you build. You need to provide the muscle which is what makes it move.
Sample Resume Objective
The two most important muscles in your resume are the objective and the summary. The content of both of these come from your analysis of what the company is seeking. The objective should show the company that you are looking for the job that they have to offer. Use words that are reflective of their job requirements. Sample resumes can show you the proper form for the objective.
Sample Resume Summary
The summary is where you get to showcase yourself. It’s your time to shine. The way you shine is to show off the achievements you have that emphasize your potential value to the company in the position they want to fill. Again, sample resumes are a great guide for you. Sample resumes can give you the form of the summary, but you need to fill it in with the meat of what you offer to this company.
Don’t Overuse Sample Resumes
Sample resumes are a great resource for formatting your resume and picking the correct fonts and type size. Sample Resumes show you how to present your content in the best light. In the end though, it’s your customization to meet the needs of the company that will sell you.
Resume Writing Service
It is no secret how important a good resume is in this day and age to land the right job. Writing a resume yourself can be challenging especially if you do not know where to start. It might benefit you to use a resume writing service.
Search Resume Writing Services
So where do you begin to look for a resume writing service? You can look online and find a wide selection of resume writing services. How do you choose which service to use? You simply get the best available! The three things you should look for in a resume writing service are capabilities, experience and cost. A good resume writing service can help you draw out your strengths on your resume and match them with what the employers are looking for. People who have used a resume writing service have reported that the difference in the number of interviews they received with the new resume vs. the older one they did themselves was amazing.
Research Resume Writing Services
In order to look at their capabilities and experience, it will help to visit their website. You want to make sure that they are able to handle a full range of preparation services that includes not only resumes but also cover letters and personal statements. Surf their website to read samples of their work so you know what to expect. Steer clear of resume writing services whose website looks cluttered and confusing because chances are if you use that service, your resume will wind up looking cluttered and confusing. This is not what you want.
You also want to look at the website to see if they tell you anything about their writers and who would be writing your resume. Will the company expert writing your resume or will it be their newest writer with little or no experience. Do you have a say as to who will be writing your resume? A good resume writing service to use is one who has been around for a while and whose writers have a least 8-10 years worth of experience writing resumes.
Cost of Resume Writing Services
Check out their costs. Resume writing services usually fall under the category of “you get what you paid for” and chances are those too good to be true resumes that are usually very cheap are usually not up to par. Think of using a resume writing service as an investment. That resume will help you land a better job with hopefully more pay and that itself is all the more reason to use a good resume writing service. Shop around and compare resume writing services. Most of the reliable services are usually all within the same costs give or take a little. It is the ones that cost the either very little or a whole lot more than everyone else that you need to stay away from.
Lastly, you want to look at resume writing services that provide that “personal touch”. Make sure the service you decide on makes it easy for you to have direct communication with the writer throughout the whole creation cycle by email and by phone. It is important that you have some sort of input into the resume so that it can really put you in the best light and help get you the job of your dreams.
Resume Wizard
Writing a resume from scratch can be a very hard and sometimes stressful task. You might not even know where to start and using a professional writing service is out of the question because of the cost. So what do you do?
You might be surprised to know that your computer can hold the answer to all your questions about writing a resume. Did you know that Microsoft office comes equipped with a resume wizard? No matter what version of Microsoft office you have, you can find the resume wizard.
Resume Style
The first thing you will be asked to do when using the resume wizard to pick the style of resume you want. You will have the following choices: Chronological, Functional and Professional. Once you make your choice the resume wizard will bring up more options as to what type of resume you want. Do you want an entry-level resume, or something else? Then you will have to enter in your contact information.
Resume Headings
The next option the resume wizard will bring you too is options for headings. It will already have pre-selected the headings that are most common for what every style you have picked and you have the option to add more if you want. Then the resume wizard will bring you to a screen that will show headers that might sometimes be included in the style of resume you chose and give you the option to add them. Finally you will come to the last screen where you can review your choices and add any other headers that you want, that you might not have seen as a choice. Once you click on finish it will generate the resume and tell you where you should fill in your experience, objective, etc etc.
If you do not have Microsoft word, please do not worry. Simply log on to the internet and do a search for a resume wizard. You will be surprised at the results. Each of these resume wizards work in almost the same manner as the Microsoft one though some of them will offer you the option of publishing them online it you want.
Resume Basic Layout
A resume wizard is a great tool to use and will give you the basic layout of your resume. What Windows resume wizard or any online free resume wizard will not do is write your resume for your, or offer suggestions. In order to find a resume wizard that will do that, you more than likely will have to buy resume wizard software. Some software programs will offer suggestions on how to phrase your objectives and phrase your experience in a professional manner.
Using a resume wizard is a great place to start when writing your resume. It will help you design a resume that is easy to read and easy on the eye.
Resume Tip
5 Resume Tips To Get Noticed
If you are having trouble writing your resume don’t feel bad, it can be tough.
Everyone could use some resume tips to help them write a resume that is interesting and will land them the job they want. If you are stuck at any stage of resume writing, consider our resume tips.
Resume Tip #1
A great resume tip is to keep your resume easy to read with bulleted sentences. Most employers just skim through resumes anyway so writing lengthy paragraphs is not the best idea. Use short sentences organized in list form to give your resume the most impact. If you use this resume tip, your resume will be easier to read and make more of an impact.
Resume Tip #2
A little known resume tip is that it is ok to use symbols. Symbols like the dollar sign, percent sign, and number sign make the text in the body of your resume stand out and usually lend to greater specifics which is always good on a resume. Be specific on your resume and use these symbols to illustrate the points that you make while being concise. Using this resume tip will keep your resume short and to the point.
Resume Tip #3
Most people list their job skills on their resume but a great resume tip is to make your important skills really stand out. Because employers usually just skim thought resumes, you should be sure that the skills you include are targeted to the job you are applying for and stand out on your resume. This is an important resume tip because you only have a few seconds to impress a potential employer so make them count.
Resume Tip #4
No matter which resume format you choose, a good resume tip to follow is to leave plenty of space. A crowded document is hard to read and this included resumes. Leaving plenty of space is good design and makes your resume more attractive. Employers are more likely to spend time reading a resume that is pleasing and easy on the eye as opposed to one that is cluttered. Glance at your resume after you print it and make sure it looks balanced and clean. If you follow this resume tip your resume is more likely to get thoroughly read.
Resume Tip #5
Another resume tip for after you print is to have a person proof read it for you. Obviously you need to make sure you resume is free of spelling and grammatical errors, and a real person can give you advice on anything you may have overlooked. It is sometimes hard to properly proofread something you are close to so having another person proof read for you is important. Ask questions to determine how much of an impact your resume makes and what things can be improved. If you follow these resume tips you will be on your way to a great job in no time.
Resumes and Curriculum Vitae
Chances are you might have never heard of a CV. CV stands for Curriculum Vitae and believes or not, it is not the same thing as a resume.
Most people think they are the same and while they do serve the same purpose there is one major difference with them.
The biggest difference between a resume and Curriculum Vitae is the length.
A resume ideally should be only one to two pages and basically summarizes your skills, experience and education. You want to be brief and to the point since the employer will probably spend only a moment or two reviewing your qualifications.
With and Curriculum Vitae, you will find it to be much longer than a resume. It can be two or more pages.
In a Curriculum Vitae you want to make sure you include your basic information and your education and employment experience. But you should also include any community service, or research projects you may have done.
When To Use Curriculum Vitae Versus Resume
So when should you use a Curriculum Vitae instead of a resume? Well in the United States, you will find that a Curriculum Vitae is used mainly when you are applying for any academic, education, or research positions and when you are applying for fellowships or grants. Also if you are applying for a job overseas, say in Europe, you will have to submit a Curriculum Vitae instead of a resume. These overseas employers expect to read personal information like date and place of birth and your nationality. These are never asked for on a resume.
What To Include In Curriculum Vitae
What else should you include in you Curriculum Vitae? Well just as with a resume make sure you have your education and your work history. You should also include any research experience, publications, fellowships, courses taught, licenses and awards you have. It is also a good idea to include your interests on your curriculum vitae as well as any professional memberships you may have. There is no need to include your salary history or even references. References should only be given on request. Even though a Curriculum Vitae tends to be a few pages longer than a resume, it is still important to try and keep it short and concise. Try not to include a lot of details about your employment and education. Instead just try to summarize them.
Be Honest When Writing Your Curriculum Vitae
Just as it is with a resume, the temptation to overdo your curriculum vitae is hard to ignore. We always seem to think it is a good idea to have your education or work experience sound just a little better than it really is. However just as with a resume, it is not a good idea to do this with your Curriculum Vitae because most employers are going to conduct a background check on you.
The most important thing to remember is just as with a resume, a Curriculum Vitae’s main purpose is to land you the job or the fellowship you want.
Resume Samples
If you are new to resume writing, or you haven’t written one in a long time, referring to resume samples while you are creating your resume can be extremely helpful.
Resume samples can be found in many places, and if you follow their examples, you’ll have a good idea of what other people have done with their resumes that has led to success.
Resume samples can be found in many places, but the most common one where people will go to look is on the internet. Resume samples might be in a Word format, PDF format or even just sitting on a regular webpage. There are a few important things to remember when looking at resume samples, though, which can help you when creating your own.
Resume Layout
The first thing to look for and remember about resume samples is the layout. Examine the layout and structure of different samples, and see the order in which people listed information about themselves. In general, a resume will start by listing a person’s personal and contact information, followed by their educational experience, work experience and finishing with a brief summary of their other skills or hobbies. Sometimes the order will change slightly, but this is the standard that most people are used to. If a resume sample doesn’t follow this order, then take a closer look and find out why. Only follow a different order if there’s a specific situation that calls for it, or if there’s some reason that overrides the norm.
You should also pay attention to how people talk about themselves on resume samples. How do they list their education? How do they talk about the jobs that they’ve had? What kind of skills or hobbies do they list? If you pay attention to this information, you’ll have a better idea of what kind of language and wording to use in your own resume. You should also keep an eye out for any unprofessional language or verbiage and avoid using it in your own resume.
Resume Design
Finally, look at the design of the resume samples and see if you want to adapt parts of them to use in your own resume. While you should maintain a professional look, having a resume that stands out mean the difference between unemployment and that job that you are trying to get.
Remember, resume samples are extremely helpful, and you should consult them whenever you are trying to write your own resume. You can take away important information and knowledge from resume samples to use in building your own, and in doing so create a resume that gets you the job you want.
Would you like to write great resumes! And yes, the word is plural because if you are applying for multiple jobs you are talking about creating resumes – one for each of the jobs for which you are applying. Your resumes are your marketing brochures, your advertisements of yourself and should be approached in that way.
Customize Your Resume
Never, never, never just bounce a resume response out the door. The resumes that you send out should be crafted to respond to the specific job for which you are applying. Good add copy is geared to the demographics and lifestyles of the audience, your resumes should be geared to the needs of the job and the company to which you are applying.
Dissect Job Posting
Before you begin to write, read and dissect the job announcement. What are they looking for? What are the needs of the company? What sort of resumes will appeal to the person who is doing the sorting of the resumes? What skills and abilities will be of the most value to this company? You might ask yourself, “If I was doing the hiring, what would I be looking for in my review of the resumes I received. What would make me stop and take another look? What would it take for me to separate one from the whole pile of resumes? Take some time with this exercise, writing the responses to these questions, each one on a separate page. Go back through and see where your skills and experiences fit.
Create Job Resume
Now you are ready to construct your resume so that it meets the needs of your prospective employer. Make your objective about what the employer will value — increasing sales, providing solutions that increase profits, developing new business. Write it so that someone whose eye rests on it for 10 seconds will say, “Yes, that’s what we need.” Among all the resumes they are reviewing, yours is one that makes the final cut.
The other most important part of all of the resumes you will construct are the summaries. The summary talks about you and your abilities, and how those meet the needs of the company. Again, ask yourself, “if I was doing the hiring, what specific skills would I be looking for?” Craft the summary part of all of your resumes so that it’s job specific and clearly shows how what you have to offer meets the job requirements.
Remember, you are selling you. And well-crafted resumes are the way to accomplish that goal.
Resume Helper
If you are like many people today, the thought of putting together your resume is not a happy one.
Building a resume can be challenging which is why there is a plethora of websites devoted to the topic. What is the best resume helper and how can you guarantee that your resume will get you an interview and not thrown into the trash? There are as many opinions on what is the best resume helper as there are websites voicing those opinions so let’s discuss the most popular resume helpers.
Customize Your Resume
Keep it simple stupid is a well known saying and it too applies to resumes. One of the best resume helpers is staying concise and only including information that is important to your prospective employer and meets the job description. A good way to make sure you utilize this resume helper is to customize your resume to meet the specific needs of each company you apply to. Take not of what they are looking for and include only the things that matter to them in your resume.
One good gem of advice during an interview is to be positive. This advice also works before you get an interview and is a big resume helper. Even if you do have skeletons that will have to come out, putting them on your resume is not a good idea. The purpose of your resume is to get a prospective employer to call you in for an interview and nothing will get your resume in the trash faster than negativity. So always use one of the biggest resume helpers there is, being positive, to sell yourself and your skills.
Proofread Your Resume
It may seem obvious but many people overlook a resume helper that frequently makes a bad impression of people. Spelling, grammatical, and format errors are common but should never be overlooked. Being free of errors is a great resume helper so be sure to double, even triple check your work to be sure that there are no misspellings or grammatical errors. No matter what format you choose, be sure it is consistent throughout your resume.
No one wants to read something that is boring and resumes are no exception. Verbs are great resume helpers so be sure to use a lot of them. Use these action words to describe your skills and experience. Another resume helper is the proper use of white space. While most people don’t consider the layout of their resume, leaving enough space on the page so that your resume is easy to read is important. No thing makes a document less attractive than a bunch of jumbled up text so properly formatting your resume so that there is a good balance of empty space is a big resume helper.
Resume Formats
What are the Different Resume Formats and Which Type is Best for You?
There are several types of resume formats that can be used when applying for a job. The resume format that you choose depends on your skills, job experience, and education. Depending on your situation, the resume format you choose may be different from the traditional one. You can use one resume format or you can use a combination or resume formats to fit your needs.
Chronological Resume Format
The most common resume format is the chronological resume. This type of resume format accentuates your work history and is the best option for someone who has a lot of work experience in the field they are applying in. This resume format lists work experience from the most recent to the oldest and is readily accepted by employers because it is easy to see what type of jobs you have held. Although the chronological resume is the most common resume format, it may not be the best for you.
Functional Resume Format
Another resume format is the functional resume. This resume format differs from the chronological format because it puts more emphasis on skills and abilities than work history. The functional resume format is good for recent graduates and people without a lot of work history in the field they are applying in. If you are changing careers, have big gaps in work history, or none at all, the functional resume format is best for you. It is becoming more common and is a widely accepted resume format.
Combination Resume Format
If you want the best of both worlds, you should consider the combination resume format. This resume combines both types of resume, chronological and functional and puts the emphasis on whichever area is the strongest. Employers like this type of resume format because they can get a good idea of your work history as well as the skills and abilities you possess that make you a good candidate for the job. If you have a solid work history as well as many skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for, this is the type of resume for you.
Targeted Resume Format
If you want the best results, be sure to use a targeted resume format. Instead of writing one generic resume, the targeted resume format does just what it says; targets your resume to the specific job you are applying for. No matter which resume format you choose, be sure it is customized for the job and company you are applying for. There is no better resume format than the targeted format so be sure to incorporate it into your resume.
Resume Examples
Resume examples are excellent tools to use whether you are writing a resume for the first time or you are creating a new resume because your old one needs sprucing up.
They can provide you with a source of inspiration for both the content of your resume as well as the layout and design of it, too. By consulting resume examples before you write your own resume, you can improve the quality of your own resume and increase your chances of being offered jobs that you are applying for.
Free Versus Paid Resume Samples
Resume examples can be found in both free and paid circumstances. If you look at free resume examples, you might not get the highest quality resumes you could get if you paid a resume organization for sample resumes. Of course, the advantage to free resume examples are that they are free, while organizations that sell them charge money for you to see them. Depending on how serious you are about writing your resume, it may be worth the money for you to purchase resume examples from a resume writing company in order to see high quality examples of well written resumes.
Resume Content Examples
The content of a resume is one of its most important components. Resume examples that are well-written should have a few different sections of content, each of which is critical to include with a resume. The first section of content is the section with personal and contact information about yourself, including your name, address, phone number and email address. The next section of content is the educational background section, which should have information about the colleges and universities you attended, as well as your majors and GPAs. After that, there should be a section about your job history. This section should also list any volunteer jobs or any internships you had. Finally, the last section should have information about your hobbies or other interests.
Resume Layout Examples
The layout of a resume is also important, and resume examples can showcase the variety of options that are open to you. When you are looking at the different layouts and designs, try to model your own after examples that are both professional and eye-catching. A resume that is too plain will not catch the attention of an employer, but one that is garish and overly complicated will not look favorably on you.
Resume examples are very effective ways to improve your resume and help you get the job you are applying for. If you use them properly, they can guide you in how you write your own resume, and make the entire experience better and easier.
Resume Writing Advice
A resume is an important document in the business world.
It is one of the first things that a potential employer will look at, and is the document that should most clearly communicate details about yourself that you want a potential employer to see. By having a resume that shows off your skills in a professional manner, you are more likely to obtain a job than other people.
Resume Writing
Resumes should have a few key parts. First, they should contain personal information about yourself, like your name, address, telephone number and email address. They should not contain details like your height, weight, or birthday (unless relevant to the job you are applying for). This personal information will be used by the employer to keep track of who you are in their system, as well as to make contact with you about the status of your job application.
A resume should also contain details about your educational background. This background should include any colleges or universities you attended, and does not usually need to include what high school you attended, unless the employer requests this information. Your educational background information also needs to include the names of the schools you attended, what degrees you earned and what (if any) degree programs you are currently enrolled in. Employers can often be more favorable towards potential employees who have advanced degrees than towards those that don’t.
Relevant work experience should be included after your educational background, and needs to include the dates you worked in each job, along with where the jobs were located and what companies they were with. If you are just coming out of school, then you should list any internships or work study programs you were enrolled in. Each entry in this list should include information on the responsibilities you held while in the job, as well as your title and the name of the person you reported to. Jobs that are not relevant to the one you are applying for may or may not be omitted from this list; it’s really up to you.
Finally, you should list your hobbies and activities that you find enjoyable outside of your work life. You should be careful in listing all of your hobbies, however; things that you find acceptable may not be seen as such in the company you are applying to. Discretion, in this case, is the best course of action.
Resume Advice Summary
That’s really all there is to a resume. It’s really just a document that introduces you to a potential employer and tells them why you’re perfect for the job. For some companies, you may want to write specialized resumes that focus on the skills or experience that they find most attractive. Regardless of however you do it, though, as long as you include these main categories, you should be off to a good start in writing your resume.
Functional Resume
A functional resume is one of the most used styles of resume writing. The other most common style is chronological which lists all you experience from most recent to least.
However a functional resume will list your experience in spurts because a functional resume is meant to be used by those with a lot of different experiences that do not add up to a straight career path.
Functional Resume, College Grads
Other people who will benefit from using a functional resume would be a college graduate. Usually if you are a college grad, you have some work experience that is going to have nothing to do with whatever career path you have chosen to follow. Let’s say you decided you want to work in human resources after you graduate. How many opportunities are you going to have to experience all the aspects of human resources? Chances are very little. You may get you feet wet by doing an internship but for the most part your experience will be limited. Another reason why a functional resume works well for you college students is because it allows you to show the skills you got by experience other than paid employment.
Functional Resume, Stay At Home Parent
If you were a stay a home parent who had a career and then left it to raise your family and have now decided to return to the work place, then this is the resume for you. If you use a chronological resume, it will probably draw attention to the fact that there is a big gap in your work experience. Some employers might not even bother to call you for an interview because of this gap.
If you have been at some of your jobs for short periods of time because you were still trying to figure out what you want to do career wise, a chronological resume would not benefit you. A chronological resume could you give an appearance of a job hopper and again this might give employers a bad impression of you.
Functional Resume Format
Keep in mind though that if you are using a headhunter or recruiter they may not want to see a functional resume and neither do some of the online job boards like Monster or Hot Jobs.
Another idea to keep in mind when creating your functional resume is to make your resume in a functional format but include a brief work history in reverse chronological format. This is a style of resume that is also known as a combination resume.
If you are unsure what your functional resume should look like, you can always do a search online to look at function resume examples to get a rough idea on how to format it.
How To Write a Resume
Many people have trouble writing their first resume. If you’re wondering how to write a resume, then you shouldn’t worry, because it’s a lot simpler than you might think. All it takes is a bit of time!
Gather Basic Information
When you sit down to write your first resume, you should start by gathering some information about yourself. Make sure you have your phone number, email address and street address written down. Write down information about your college and university degrees, including your majors, GPAs and what you did while in the program. You need to also write down your job experience (if any), along with what you did in the job, what dates you worked at the job and who your supervisor was. If you don’t have any job experience, write down any volunteer or internship work you did that relates to the job you want to apply for. Finally, write down a list of your hobbies or other miscellaneous skills that you might have, such as playing an instrument or participating in a sport.
Write You Resume
When you have all of this information in hand, you can then proceed to writing your resume. If you wish, you can utilize a resume template, such as those that are included with Microsoft Word, or which can be found on the internet. When you start writing your resume, list all of your personal and contact information at the top, so that the employer can quickly get in touch with you if they need to. Next, list all of your educational experience, along with your degrees, schools you attended and any courses you took that have direct implications to the job you are applying for. After your educational experience, you should list the jobs that you have held. If you haven’t had any jobs, then list any volunteer work you’ve done or any internships or work study programs you participated in while in school. Employers love to see volunteer work just as much as regular jobs, so be sure you include this if you’ve done any of it. Finally, give a brief overview of your hobbies and any interesting things you might do. Including this information shows the employer that you are a real person who enjoys things other than just work, which is very important in most companies. Be sure to avoid ‘telling all’, however, and don’t include things that the company might find offensive, even if you don’t find it so.
If you follow these steps on how to write a resume, you should be well on your way to creating a resume that catches the eyes of potential employers and gets you the job that you want!
Resume Example
When I met with my college counselor to talk about potential job positions he mentioned to me the benefit of having a good resume.
He went on for a good hour about how the right resume will land me the job of my dreams. I left there excited and when I got back to my dorm room I sat down to write my amazing resume and I got as far as my name. I had no idea where to begin. I needed help and I needed help fast.
I found a book on resumes at the library and while it gave me good information I still had no idea on how my resume should look. I needed a good resume example to guide me as I wrote my resume. I made an appointment at career services and it was there I was able to find resume examples. I was able to use these examples as a blue print for my own resume.
Search Resume Examples
Nowadays it is a lot simpler to find a resume sample than it was when I needed one. Technology has advanced so much since then that all one needs to do is turn on their computer and they will be able to do a search for a resume example and be shown examples of every type and style of resumes.
It is a good idea to use a resume example if you are unsure of where to begin. Examples can show you what employers are looking for and what you should stay away from. In fact some of the examples you might find online are written by professional resume writers and if used correctly can land you the job you have always wanted.
Resume examples can show you the different styles of resumes and the different types of headers so you can decide which one works best for you. These examples also show you the format a resume so you know what to follow. In fact you can find some resume examples for almost any career field to show you what details you should include and what details you should leave out.
There are some people who might balk at the idea of using a resume example to help them develop their resume. They feel using a resume example is almost as bad as falsifying information. You are not passing the example off as your own; you are simply using it as a model for your own. It was from following a good resume example that I was able to draft my own resume.
International Resume
If you’re looking to get a job in Europe, you may need to expertise of those who live there. Your resume, or CV (Curriculum Vitae, as it‘s commonly known as in Europe) is the calling card to getting a job in Europe. The European Parliament put standards in place for potential applicants to get a chance to work.
The European Parliament set up a employment directives that consists of a system called Europass. Within Europass, it is emphasized that your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is vital to gaining employment in Europe. Like the resume in the U.S., your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the first contact the potential employer has to get their attention. As with a resume, the Curriculum Vitae (CV) must stand out and catch their attention quickly. Like the resume, if your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is impressive, you can get contacted for a job interview.
Prior to submitting your Curriculum Vitae (CV), you must make sure it is formatted correctly, just like a resume would be. Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be two pages or less, like a resume. The exception to this would be if you were applying for a top level position. In this case, you must explain in your Curriculum Vitae (CV) your previous employment history and why you feel qualified to work for the potential employer.
As with a resume, supply your achievements that would be related to the job position you’re applying for. Whether it’s a resume or your Curriculum Vitae (CV), you must be truthful. A potential employer can find out if you’re lying. Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) should state this information in brief detail.
Your resume, as well as your Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be free of misspellings and grammatical errors. You may have to spell check it several times and have someone proofread it prior to submission. In this case, it’s better to be safe than sorry. This demonstrates attention to detail, which is critical.
Resumes and Curriculum Vitae (CV) differ when it comes to presenting your employment history and other information. Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) has a set arrangement as to the order in which it’s presented. In your Curriculum Vitae (CV), the information must be submitted in the following order: Contact Information, Employment Experience, Education, and Skills/Accomplishments. With resume templates, you have several different forms in which you can present your resume. You have to use the form that best fits your employment situation.
Follow the directives given for formatting and using the right font for your Curriculum Vitae (CV). Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be printed on white paper to ensure proper layout. As with using a resume in the U.S., your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the key to open the door to your employment.
As for other international employment opportunities , you can check with the Peace Corps to see what their requirements are. Check their website to see if you need to submit a resume in addition to an application. The U.S. State Department and other international job databases are other avenues to assist you with international employment opportunities, including preparing a resume.
Free Resume Help
You’ve gotten started on the first step towards procurement of a professional career by writing your resume.
Your fingers flow at the keyboard as you type in your skills and abilities through a template or resume builder.
But when the resume is finished, you don’t feel satisfied. There just has to be something wrong with it, yet how can you tell if you’re the only evaluator?
This is why you need to get free resume help once your resume is complete and/or if you are having writer’s block while creating it.
To get free resume help you can utilize: the career centers of a college campus, a free critique from a job site or career-related message boards.
Resume Help – College Career Centers
If you have attended or are attending a college, don’t be afraid to get free resume help from their career center. Every major college whether accredited or not should have them. In fact, not only can the counselors at the career center offer you free resume help, but they can also get you in touch with potential employers looking to hire people off of the campus. Also, don’t think because it’s been awhile since you’ve graduated that you can’t take advantage of the free resume help and career placement assistance from your school’s career center. If you are part of your school’s alumni program, you should still have access to your all or most of your college’s facilities, including the career center.
Resume Help – Job Sites
The next option for free resume help involves getting a free resume critique from a job site. When you get free resume help through this method, basically you fill out a form and upload your resume. In a day or so, you’ll get an email detailing what you need to do to improve your resume. Why would job sites offer free resume help in this way? It’s a marketing tactic. By offering free resume help in the form of a resume critique, they are hoping you are impressed enough to eventually join their site and/or take advantages of their paid services. Careerbuilder’s resume critiquing service is an example.
Resume Help – Career Message Boards
Lastly, you can get free resume help from career-related message boards. There are hundreds available on the Internet. Some are in the form of ‘groups’ while others are in a more normal message board format. Of course, when using a career-related message board, make sure you are not spamming. Contribute to other threads and post your request for free resume help in an appropriate way. This means only list the request once, and list it in threads that would relate in some way to free resume help.
In conclusion, when it comes to getting free resume help you have the following options: using the career center of a college, getting a free resume critique from a job site or using a career-related message board. With all of these alternatives available, you should be well on your way in creating a resume that will win you the career of your dreams. Indeed, without these resources you will never know for sure if your resume is as effective as it could be.
Create Resumes
If you are interested in a professional job you will need to create a resume. This is a document that specifies why you are qualified for a job.
Your resume includes information such as your work history, academic record and general occupational skills. If you create resumes that are vague, poorly written or don’t impress your prospective employer in some way, you won’t receive further consideration for the job. On the other hand, if you create resumes appropriately, you should at least get a call for an interview. This article will explain the steps you need to take to create resumes that will increase the chances you’ll get the job you are looking for.
Create Resume Content
The first thing you need to do to create resumes is to brainstorm what defines you occupationally. Think about all of your academic and work-related skills and accomplishments from high school onward. Also ponder through your previous work experience, if you have any. Think about what you had to do to successfully complete the tasks on your job. Write or type out what comes to mind. You will need this list later, as you continue through the process of creating resumes.
Create Resume Format
The next step you’ll need to take to create resumes is deciding what type of resume you’ll need. This will involve choosing between resumes that are chronological, functional or a combination of the two. If you decide to create resumes in a chronological format, you’ll be placing more emphasis on your work history, which would be listed in reverse chronological order. It would be the first section your potential employer would see. Yet, if you do not have significant work experience, you’ll want to create resumes in functional format. Functional resumes place emphasis on academics and job skills. Conversely, if you are in a situation where you have work experience but it doesn’t necessarily relate to the job you’re applying for, consider creating resumes that would be a combination of chronological and functional formats. This would involve listing your skills first, then your job and academic information in chronological order.
Create Resume Template
At this point you are ready to actually create resumes. There are two ways you can create resumes. You could create resumes through word processing templates. These can be obtained through a simple query on your favorite search engine. To use them all you have to do is replace the ‘filler’ information listed in the template with your information. Or, you could create resumes through a resume builder, which is a separate piece of software. To create resumes through a resume builder, you would have to answer a series of questions. When the question process is finished, the software would automatically create a resume for you based on your input. You are free to modify the resume as you wish through the editing tools that are provided with the builder.
Create Impressive Resume
With your resume complete, review it in the manner that an employer would. This means check for any glaring grammatical errors, along with taking special note of the first couple of sections. These are the sections that will impress the employer the most… the rest is almost superfluous, (which is why longer resumes are not necessarily better). For this reason the skills and accomplishments listed in these sections need to match the general ‘idea’ of the qualifications given in the employment listing. You will not want to use the exact same wording, but you’ll want to make the ideas similar enough that the employer clearly sees you are what their company is looking for. Indeed, it is this obvious yet neglected step that can be the deciding factor between whether or not you get a phone call. Without doing it you all the time you spent creating resumes becomes wasted.
Resume Cover Letter
Potential employers are looking for resumes that impress. They’re looking for resumes that stand out and say “WOW!”
They want to able to pick the right candidate for the job. By looking at resumes, they can get a feel of who would serve them best at their company.
Writing A Resume
How do you go about getting to that point? The first thing you need to do is write a resume and cover letter. Not just any resume and cover letter. They must stand out and complement each other. How do you set yourself apart from the others who are looking to get a shot?
First, you must sell your potential employer with your resume. Your resume is your calling card. The information in your resume must convey to a potential employer that you are the person for the job. Your resume should contain the following information:
* – Your contact information (name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address)
* – A tailored job objective
* – Employment history
* – Education
* – Honors and accomplishments (that are related to the job position you’re seeking)
You don’t necessarily need to list a references section on your resume nowadays unless you’re asked.
Your resume must be informative and impressive enough for a potential employer to take interest. You only have a few seconds for them to say yes or no. With so many candidates, they only have time to scan your resume and get a feel for you. Don’t overload your resume with information; it should be just enough where they’re compelled to find out more about you.
When presenting your objective in your resume, be sure that it’s tailored to meet the potential employer’s needs and not your own. The potential employer wants to know what you can do for their company. They want to know what you can do for their bottom line to help them profit.
Depending on what type of resume form you use, your employment history may go before or after your education. Regardless of which one you use, make sure it is included in your resume. When writing your honors and accomplishments, be sure to include anything that is related to the job position you’re seeking. Be detailed, but not too detailed as to where a potential employer will know everything about you. Use common words so that the prospective employer will understand what you’re trying to convey.
Writing A Cover Letter
A cover letter is important because it complements your resume. You should always have a cover letter to accompany your resume it serves as an introduction to your prospective employer. The cover letter also serves to ask for the interview.
A cover letter only requires two to three paragraphs. They should be brief and to the point. The opening paragraph should reference the job position you’re applying for. The second paragraph should reference reasons you should be called for an interview. You can use the following to make your case:
* – Education/employment experience
* – Ability to work with other people
* – Interest in the job position/company
* – Responsibilities in previous employment, especially if it related to the job position you’re seeking.
The closing paragraph should suggest a good time for an interview. Just like the resume, please include your contact information at the top left of your cover letter. Use “Sincerely” to close out the cover letter.
Using these suggestions can get you in the door with a prospective employer and ultimately lead to employment.
Resume Service
You want a resume that stands out, one that’s different and says “This resume will get me an interview”.
There’s only one problem–you don’t’ know how to write one and/or you don’t have time to learn. So what’s the next best thing? Hire a resume service to craft your resume for you.
A resume service can help you write your resume so that it’s tailored to benefit you. A resume service can do what you can’t do with your resume: create objectives, word your abilities and skills in such a way that employers will not hesitate to pick up the phone and ask “When can you come in for an interview?”
If you have a resume that could use some work, a resume service can restructure it so that you can make waves in the employer‘s mind. The wording a resume service uses can help you get more interviews with employers. Included with that, a resume service can compose a compelling cover letter that compliments your resume. A resume service doesn’t use cookie-cutter templates. Their layouts are
professional and unique.
Choosing A Resume Service
When choosing a resume service, make sure they are professional and stand by their work. The resume service should also have samples of their work available upon request. If they have a website, check their credentials. You can do this by going through the Better Business Bureau or ask for references that you can check out. It’s advantageous to use someone who been established for a few years and has good references.
Cost Of A Resume Service
The cost in using a resume service should definitely be considered. Make sure the cost is within your budget. Prices can start from $75 up to several hundred dollars for a professional resume. Do some comparative pricing with different resume services. A good resume service will consult with you on the layout that fits your profile. In addition to that, by presenting your strengths and targeted contributions, a resume service can make your resume come to life.
Invest In A Resume Service
Not only will a resume service make your resume come alive, some full-service entities offer job search and interview skills as well. These additional services can be an added touch to the already dejected applicant. In today’s challenging and increasingly competitive job market, anything that adds value for the applicant is an added plus.
If you have the money to invest in a reputable resume service, go ahead and do it. You won’t regret it, and that professional touch will give you a great return on your investment.
Free Resumes
Well of course they are, aren’t they? Not necessarily. Free resumes can be a guide to writing your own resume.
Free Resumes Search
And there are tons and tons of free resumes on line. A quick search will come up with over 92,000 returns. Not enough time in the day to read all those free resumes.
Resumes Time
And that’s the point exactly. While the free resumes don’t cost you dollars, they do cost you time. So you need to make wise choices of what and where to read. Make some decisions up front before you start looking at free resumes.
What format or style do you want? In most situations the combination or hybrid resume works best. It gives you the opportunity to sell yourself up front and to also include a chronological work history. Functional resumes should be used as a last resort when you need to showcase your skills but don’t have a solid work history.
Another way to narrow your search before you start looking at free resumes is by only looking for those free resumes that are relevant to the positions and the industry for which you are applying. There’s a different focus if you are applying for an executive position or a sales position. Teacher’s resumes are different from systems analyst resumes. Finding the free resumes that are most applicable to you will save you lots of reading time. Isolate several that you like and print them out.
Now your analysis of these free resumes beings. How is the summary worded? What words are they using? How is the whole thing formatted? You may want to print out several different formats and lay them side by side on the table. Which of the free resumes are you most drawn to? Which one do you want to pick up? The name of this resume game is having the person who is reading your resume be drawn to it and want to pick it up. Is it the one with the most white space? White space can be very inviting.
Once you’ve written you own resume place it on the table beside the other free resumes. How does it look? Are you happy with it? What needs adjusting?
Be sure you do a thorough check for grammar, spelling and parallel construction. Errors can get you tossed out of the running quickly. Have several people read your resume. Read it out loud to yourself. Reading it out loud will assist you to find sentences that are too long or that are just too wordy.
Free resumes can be an excellent guide if you focus your efforts so that you don’t spend a lot of unnecessary time.
Free Resume Format
Picking the Best Free Resume Format
If you are looking for the best format for your resume, you will find tons of free resume formats on the internet. Picking which free resume format is the best for you can be as hard as writing the resume it’s self. There are a few things you should consider when choosing a free resume format including your skills, work history, and the type of job you are applying for.
The basic free resume formats are chronological and functional. Depending on your circumstances, the free resume format you choose may be either chronological, functional, a blend of the two, or a completely different format altogether.
Free Resume Format, Chronological
The most common free resume format is the chronological format. This format lists work history in descending order (most recent to oldest) and put the emphasis on skills attained form work experience and the length of time in a particular field. The chronological format is a good free resume format if you have a lot of work experience. Employers will be able to see that you have been dedicated to the field and have gained a lot of knowledge and experience.
Free Resume Format, Functional
Another common free resume format is the functional format. This format puts the emphasis on your skills and qualifications that do not necessarily come from job experience. Any job experience will be listed along with other qualifications that make the candidate ideal for the position applied for. This free resume format is good for people with little work experience in general or little work experience in the particular field they are applying in. The functional format is more about what you have learned that qualifies you for the job rather than what jobs you have had similar to the job you are applying for.
Free Resume Format, Combination
Many people benefit from a free resume format that is a combination of both of these common formats. Listing your relevant employment, skills, qualifications, and abilities would be considered a combination of the two formats. You can find many free resume formats that are a combination of the two and they will show you how to utilize the benefits of both types. Including all the information you can that is specific to the job you are applying for is important, and will give your resume a greater impact.
The free resume format you choose will depend on your work history and abilities. If you have a strong work background in your field, a chronological resume is the best bet. If you have little or no work experience, a functional resume is best. For those with a combination of work experience and skills, a combination of both free resume formats is ideal.
Free Resume Software
Key Features of the Best Free Resume Writing Software
If you feel as though writing your resume is impossible, you are not alone.
Many people, especially those who are new at job hunting or who are re-entering the workforce, have a hard time writing a great resume. If you need some help, free resume software can be the answer. Creating your resume with free resume software can eliminate a lot of the stress and help you to create an effective resume in no time.
Resume Software Features
The features of free resume software vary, and some programs are better at others and give you more flexibility. There are a few key features that you should look before you seek help from free resume software. While most free resume software is pretty basic in nature, you will want to go with a program that has the most features that will benefit your resume and boost its quality.
Resume Template
The simplest free resume software is just a template in which you fill in all your information. This is fine if you know how to effectively write a resume, but chances are if you knew how you wouldn’t be seeking help from free resume software. Look for a program that offers tips on word selection, offers multiple formats, and is compatible with the majority of computers and word processing programs.
One of the features of a great resume is action words. Words like achieved, collaborated, developed, increased, maintained, supervised, and utilized are the types of words that you should use in your resume. They give your resume a much greater impact and the free resume software you choose should help you to pick the proper action words.
Resume Format
The most common format of a resume is chronological format, but this may not be the best format for you. Many free resume programs only allow you to create your resume using one format, the most popular, and if you need a specialized resume then you need to go with a free resume program with more options. Picking a free resume program that gives you more than one format will give you the most flexibility and will ensure that your resume is tailor made for your situation.
Some free resume software only lets you save your resume on a website or in one form. This is ok if you are only going to print your resume out and present it to potential employers in person, but in today’s world email is becoming a more and more popular way to submit a resume for consideration. With that being said, the ability to save your resume in different formats is important. Different companies will have different forms they prefer to receive resumes in so you should make sure your free resume software gives you the ability to save your resume in the most common forms.
Resume Templates
Which Resume Template is Right For You?
If you need assistance writing your resume, a resume template may be the thing for you.
Before you start using one, look at the template so you can get a general concept of what your resume should look like once it’s finished. You can find lots of different free resume template samples by doing an online search. Just type in “free resume template”, “resume template” or “resume template samples” and you should be able to find something that suits you.
Once you find a resume template to use, you can edit it to your own preference and make changes as necessary. The resume template samples can be used for any job-related category. Your resume template should be a pattern for you to follow, like you would if you were sewing a garment. The resume template is considered a guide to fill in pertinent information in your resume. The pattern that you follow should reflect the job position and skills of the potential employer.
There are several different types of resume templates:
Chronological – This type of resume template is used by the majority of job seekers. A chronological resume focuses on your employment history. Your current and previous employment are listed with the most current employment first, working back to previous years of employment history. This resume template is good to use if you have a solid and consistent work history.
Functional – This type of resume template is used for people who have employment gaps. However, you must provide an explanation for the gaps in employment. A functional resume template is set up to focus on your skills and experience, as opposed to your job titles. This resume template is also effective for those who are considering a career change.
Combination – A combination resume template focuses on your skills and experience first. After that, your employment is listed in the chronological format. When you list your skills and experience, you can emphasize the ones that are related to the position you’re applying for.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) – A curriculum vitae template, or CV, as it is commonly referred to, is a synopsis that is usually two pages or more. A curriculum vitae is used when applying for a position relating to academics, educational or research positions. In this resume, you should include all pertinent education information, including teaching licenses, fellowships, grant information, etc.
Between these four types of resume templates, you can go wrong with finding one that suits your needs.
Hospitalist Sample Resume
A hospitalist is perhaps one of the broadest medical jobs out there. A hospitalist can over see the ER patients as well as direct, manage and report a patient’s conditions to their primary care doctor. It is a lot of responsibility and it is more than being just a doctor. So your resume needs to be more than just an average physician resume.
Curriculum Vitae
For starters, you might not want to even do a resume but do a curriculum vitae instead. A CV might be better because it lists employment history, education, professional service and honors in a chronological order. A resume is usually designed to highlight your skills and experience. The biggest issue is a resume traditionally should not be more than a page long and if you are applying for a hospitalist position you will know that you can not fit all your qualifications on one page.
There is some debate if your hospitalist CV should include an objection or not. Some interviewers will want to see an objective while others would rather see it on your cover letter. As with a resume you want to list your experience in reverse chronological order. You might have some gaps in your experience due to being let go or taking time off to travel and do research and you should explain those gaps in your cover letter.
Another important aspect to include on your hospitalist CV is your licensure status and your board eligibility. This way they know your credentials. You want to make sure you are upfront about your needs and wants but if there are some things you are not willing to budge on say your work schedule, you might want to put that in the cover letter so that if it does not match with the hospital you do not waste their time or yours. Unlike traditional work places, hospitals may have policies that they will not bend, even for you.
Hospitalist recruiters also like to see your personal information. It is these recruiter’s jobs to see if you are going to match with the hospital and with the community so personal information is key. Most hospitalist jobs will require you to locate and the recruiters want to make sure you will be happy in your new environment. By knowing your hobbies and interests it will make it easier on them to see if you fit.
Lastly, stand out from other applications. Recruiters like to see people who have gone above and beyond responsibilities and brought a little extra value to where they previously worked.
A hospitalist is not a traditional job that you can land with just any old resume. A CV will help you get your experience and skills across much better than a resume.
VP Marketing
VP Marketing Sample Resume Template Example
Your Marketing VP resume should position you as the leading employment candidate for the job.
The purpose of a properly written professional resume is to get you interviewed for the job.
Have your marketing resume custom written by a resume writing service that stands behind it’s work with an Interview Guarantee!
Telecommunications Resume
Telecommunications Resume Sample Template Example
We provide a wealth of sample resumes that you can use to create an outstanding telecommunications resume.
Our resume writing service can create a telecommunications resume and cover letter that get you hired fast.
Military Resume Sample
Military Resume Sample
Create a good Military resume by using our free online resume builder.
The resume builder will walk you through the entire process step by step. Choose any format or style you want. Quickly make your Military resume stand tall.
If you would prefer to have your Military resume written for you by a professional certified resume writer, we are experts and provide a job interview guarantee.
Telecommunications Technician
Telecommunications Technician Sample Resume
Telecommunications resumes often contain a lot of technical jargon, equipment and systems information.
It should be your goal to explain to your reader, your experience and skills in a simple straightforward manner.
We provide a series of free resume samples that you can review before attempting to create your own professional resume.
Military Resume
Military Resume Sample Template Example
Military resumes are no different than any other job resume. You have skills, education and experience just like anyone else.
The sometimes tricky part in creating a good military resume is how you go about explaining your work experience and translating that for the non military reader.
Our resume writing service has written job winning military resumes for over 300 of our heroes.
When transitioning from the military to the civilian job market it is best to use a skills or functional resume format rather then a chronological resume format because the bulk of your employment is with one employer.
Telecommunications Director
Telecommunications Director Sample Resume Template
Telecommunications resumes require that you write about your technical and functional job experience and skills.
Create your professional resume fast and easy with our resume builder.
Our professional resume writing service can custom write a resume for you that you will be proud of and will make your telephone ring.
Technology Support Services Director
Technology Support Services Director Sample Resume Template
If writing a technology, management, executive or professional resume your interests will be best served by viewing a series of free sample resumes that have been written by an established experienced resume writing service.
Technology resumes require a good deal of thought and planning to insure the best format and style is being used. If you are stuck on how to write a technology resume, look at our free online resume builder.
Technical Services Manager
Technical Services Manager Sample Resume Template
As a Technical Services Manager you need to pick the correct resume format.
Create a good employment resume by reviewing example resumes and free resumes.
You could use a functional, skills or chronological resume format.
Often times a functional resume works best for technical professionals.
You can create a great job resume by using our free online resume builder.
Technology Consultant
Technology Consultant Sample Resume Template Example
A technology resume requires a fine balance between functional and technical skills and experience.
More often than not the first person who reads technology resumes is not very technical. Make it easy for a non technical reader to understand your value.
Technology resumes are best suited to omit the standard resume objective and replace it with a skills summary. Articulate to the reader the value and experience you can bring to the job.
Technical Consultant
Technical Consultant Sample Resume Example Template
Start your technical consultant resume writing project by looking at our free sample resumes.
You will quickly get an idea on what format best suits your skills, experience and educational background. To get the job your resume must stand out, be compelling and persuasive.
If you are having a tough time writing your resume after reviewing our free sample resumes you might want to look at our resume builder and or our professional resume writing service.
We guarantee interviews.
Teacher Resume Sample
Create a compelling teacher resume by utilizing all of the free resume samples and resume formats on our website. Your employment resume when properly written will get you the job.
A good resume and good cover letter will go a long way towards getting you interviewed and hired.
Our resume writing service and free online resume builder will help you create a professional resume.
Network Systems Administration
Network Systems Administration Sample Resume Template
Use our professional resume writing service and have a compelling professional resume in hours.
Free sample resumes are a great resource when trying to create a good job resume.
Software Support
Software Support Sample Resume Example Template
Create a software support resume by using our free online resume builder that will walk you through the entire resume writing process.
Good resumes will have both the correct resume format and a professional resume style.
Speech Pathologist Resume
Speech Pathologist Sample Resume Template
A good speech pathologist resume starts with the correct format.
Look at the example resumes on this website to get an idea on how best to highlight your work experience and skills.
Free sample resumes as well as a free online resume builder will help you create a professional speech pathologist resume.
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer Sample Resume Template Example
Writing a professional senior software engineer resume is no different that writing an IT resume.
You must articulate your technical ability as well as your functional experience and skill.
Most software engineering resumes are written using a functional or skill based resume format that will highlight your job experience.
Software Developer
Software Developer Sample Resume Example Template
Make a software developer resume by looking at many of the resume templates, free sample resumes and resume examples provided on this website.
Each resume was written by a professional resume writer.
Make sure you use the correct resume format. Be it a functional format, skills format or chronological resume format.
Software Design
Software Design Sample Resume Example Template
Make your Software Design resume writing project as easy as possible by reviewing as many free sample resumes as you can.
To do the job correctly I would suggest you only look at sample resumes that have been written by a professional resume writing service.
Create your software design resume using our free online resume builder.
Senior Project Manager
Senior Project Manager Sample Resume Template Example
As a Senior Project Manager you are tasked with writing a resume that highlights both your management experience but also the projects you have successfully managed.
Use the example resumes we provide to create a resume that is better than good. Your employment project requires that you display your skills and achievements using the right resume format. We provide a resume writing service that will position you as the job candidate of choice.
Look at different resume formats to determine which format will work best for you. It could be a functional, chronological or skills based resume format.
Network Engineer
Network Engineer Sample Resume Example Template
Use this Network Engineer sample resume to help you create a great resume. We provide a series of free resume samples that will help you write a resume.
Your Network Engineer resume should be clear and professional. Use a resume format that will increase your chances of getting the job.
Business Manager
Business Manager Sample Resume Example Template
Create a compelling professional resume for a business manager job by viewing as many free resume samples as you can.
Pick the best format for your resume based on your experience, industry and skills.
Your Business Manager resume should have but one purpose, to get you interviewed for the job.
Create a resume that will standout and make you a priority.
Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant Sample Resume Example Template
Make a Senior Consultant resume by reviewing our free sample resumes and templates.
Write your resume specific to the job you want. One size fits all doesn’t work with senior level resumes. Choose your resume format with caution and temper the content of the resume with both functional, technical and financial highlights.
Create a resume that will separate you from all the other resumes for the job.
Software Developer
Software Developer Sample Resume Example Template
To make a software developer resume you need to balance your technical expertise and experience with your functional knowledge and abilities.
We provide many free sample IT resumes that have been custom written by a professional resume writer who knows how to get job candidates interviewed and hired fast.
Writing a Software Developer resume or any IT resume can be tricky because often times the human resources person at a particular company might not be as technical as the person that will eventually be interviewing you. Keep it simple and straightforward. A functional, targeted or skill based resume format lends itself nicely in this case.
VP Sales
VP Sales Sample Resume
VP Sales sample resume or Vice President of Sales Resume. Use our free sample resumes to craft a compelling resume that will get you interviewed and hired fast.
Sample resumes will help you identify the appropriate format and style to insure your resume gets read.
Senior Sales Representative
Senior Sales Representative Sample Resume
Using free sample resumes is a great way to start your senior sales representative resume.
Our website provides a wealth of free information and examples to help you make a great resume.
Writing a resume does not have to be tough if you get the correct advice and help.
By reviewing our free sample resumes you can determine which resume format is your best choice. Be it functional, skills based or chronological.
Sales Resume Sample
Writing a sales resume is not as easy as it might look. When you need a to create a sales resume for a job you need to make sure you write the resume using the correct format.
Sales Resume Format
You could use a functional resume format, skills based resume format or even a chronological resume format if you have been in sales for a number of years. We provide a series of free sample resumes that should help you write a professional resume that will get you the job.
Create a resume that will separate you from all the other resumes the employer will receive and read. This sales resume sample should help you make a great resume.
Printing Sales
Printing Sales Sample Resume
Writing a Printing Sales resume gets a lot easier if you have other free resume samples to look at and compare.
Create an interview winning resume easily by using our free resume samples to create your own custom resume.
Feel free to look at other sales resumes as you will get a better idea about how to make a professional resume that will get you the job.
Division Sales Manager
Division Sales Manager Sample Resume
Regional Sales Manager
Regional Sales Manager Sample Resume
Property Manager
Property Manager Sample Resume
QA Manager
QA Manager Sample Resume
International Business Resume
International Business Sample Resume
Systems Analyst Resume
Systems Analyst Sample Resume
Production Manager
Production Manager Sample Resume
Pharmacist Resume
Pharmacist Sample Resume
Pharmaceutical Sales Resume
Pharmaceutical Sales Resume Sample
Pharmaceutical Sales
Pharmaceutical Sales Sample Resume
Paralegal Sample Resume
Operations Management
Operations Management Sample Resume
Business Development Resume
Business Development Sample Resume
Senior Manager
Senior Manager Sample Resume
Operations Director
Operations Director Sample Resume
Office Manager Resume
Office Manager Resume Sample
OBGYN Physician Resume
OBGYN Physician Sample Resume
Network Support
Network Support Sample Resume
Network Engineer
Network Engineer Sample Resume
National Sales Manager
National Sales Manager Sample Resume
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager Sample Resume
Medical Transcriptionist Resume
Medical Transcription Sample Resume
Medical Insurance Sales
Medical Insurance Sales Sample Resume
Mechanical Engineer Resume
Mechanical Engineer Sample Resume
Marketing Coordinator Resume
Marketing Coordinator Sample Resume
Manufacturing Resume
Manufacturing Sample Resume
Real Estate Manager
Real Estate Manager Sample Resume
Management Resume
Management Sample Resume
Logistics Manager
Logistics Manager Sample Resume
Network Administrator
Network Administrator Sample Resume
IT Director Resume
IT Director Sample Resume
E-commerce Resume
E-commerce Sample Resume
Information Technology
Information Technology Sample Resume
Insurance Sales
Insurance Sales Sample Resume
Information Technology Director
Information Technology Director Sample Resume
Hospitality Management Resume
Hospitality Management Sample Resume
Construction Manager
Construction Manager Sample Resume
Technical Supervisor
Technical Supervisor Sample Resume
Help Desk Manager
Help Desk Manager Sample Resume
Network Support Resume
Network Support Sample Resume
National Sales Manager
National Sales Manager Sample Resume

National Sales Manager Sample Resume
Business Management Resume
Business Management Sample Resume
Office Management Resume
Office Management Sample Resume
Telecommunications Technician
Telecommunications Technician Sample Resume
Electrical Engineer