Functional Resume
Sample Functional Resume
When trying to determine which resume format will best support your goal of being interviewed and hired it makes sense to look at and review a sample functional resume.
A sample functional resume will help you to determine if your employment goals are best supported and displayed by highlighting your skills and job responsibilities rather then your job titles and work industries.
With a sample functional resume you can see how other like job seekers and resume writers have used the functional resume format to highlight their strengths and disguise their weaknesses.
Let a Professional Resume Writer help you choose the correct resume format.
Example of Functional Resume

Sample Functional Resume Format
Good Resume
Good Sample Resume
A good sample resume would be a resume that has been written by a professional certified resume writer. You can search high and low to find many sample resumes but you are wasting your time and putting your job search in serious jeopardy if the good sample resume you decide to use has not been written by a professional resume writer.
If you had a broken leg would you go to your local gas station for advice and treatment?
It is important that your resume be professional and well written. You can actually make a good resume all by yourself by either using a resume builder or by using our sample resume writing package.
Of course the very best resume would be a resume custom written by a certified professional resume writer.
You can be sure that if you choose to make a resume all by yourself that you will not be alone. Many short sighted job seekers are perfectly happy presenting an amateur resume when applying for a job. You should also know that there will be a few of your competitors who will have invested in themselves and gotten help in creating their professional resume.
The resume below is a good sample resume. If you happen to be exactly like the person the resume was written for then you are good to go. If though your experience and background is not the same the only benefit you will receive from this good sample resume would be to see how the resume is formatted.
An Example of a Good Resume

Good Sample Resume : Good Resume Sample
The least you can do to ensure that you have a good resume would be to invest $20 in yourself and career and download our sample resume writing package that contains resume templates and 175 different sample resumes that you can edit. Each of the templates and sample resumes has been created by a professional certified resume writer.
Sample Functional Resumes
Looking for sample functional resumes? You are in the right place. Our sample resume website has been created by a team of certified professional resume writers who know a thing or two about resumes, resume styles, resume formats and and of course functional resumes.
Do you know which resume format you need to use? When you make a resume you need to understand the purpose of the resume and the best method or format to display your information. By not using the right resume format you could be selling yourself short.
Functional resumes are all about telling the reader about what you do well rather then about who and where you have worked.
Often times the functional resume will be about telling the reader “You should hire me and here are the reasons why.”
At the top of a functional resume you can use a summary area and follow it with a skills or accomplishments area.
Do not, I repeat do not have an Objective statement at the top of your resume or even at the bottom of your functional resume. The sad truth is that the reader of your resume has little interest in what your “objective” is. The reader of your resume is primarily concerned about their own or the companies objective. This is not little league so please do not confuse things by thinking the reader is at this point concerned about you.
Stay focused on the singular purpose of a resume: To Get Interviews.
Information Technology
Information Technology Sample Resume
Information technology resumes are a unique bird. The obstacle you face when trying to make an information technology resume is the balancing of technical and functional information while at the same time making sure a non technical reader can also understand and appreciate your resume.
In most cases the first person to read your IT resume will not be as tech savvy as you would like to think. Technology skills are a language all to themselves. You want to make it easy for the resume reader to understand and also make it easy for them to see your value proposition.
Find an Information Technology sample resume that you think your grandmother could read and understand. If the Information technology sample resume you find is a billboard of computer languages, operating platforms, databases and technical training courses that would not be a good sample resume or resume format to emulate.
The purpose of the Information Technology resume is to tell the reader why you are the right candidate for the job and to ask for the job. If you write the resume properly and present your skills and background properly the resume reader will be asking when they can schedule a face to face interview.
When you have completed your Information technology resume ask yourself “would I be willing to wager a months salary, that this resume will get me interviews.”
Professional Information Technology Resume
If you don’t answer yes to that question you need to hire a professional resume writer. A custom professional resume will get you interviewed and hired faster, much faster.
Would you invest $200 to get back on a payroll one month sooner? Hire a Professional Resume Writer that guarantees the interview.
Information Technology Sample Resume
Sample Management Resumes
Management Resume Examples
Sample management resumes can have many different purposes. Sample management resumes can have many different formats and many different layouts.
A management resume worth calling your own had better make the telephone ring loud and often.
Your management resume should be written to serve only one purpose. To compel or motivate the first person who reads it to either pick up the telephone and call you or to quickly email it to the hiring manager so they can call you.
Management resumes serve no other purpose but to earn interviews for a job seeker. Even the best management resumes will never be the reason a manager gets hired. Management resumes that are less than the best ARE reasons you won’t get interviewed and subsequently hired.
Perhaps damned if you do and guaranteed double damned if you don’t.
You have spent a lot of time and money through the years investing in your management career through education, seminars and snappy suits. I don’t imagine now would be a good time to stop investing in your management career.
Most likely you are not an expert professional writer who writes and makes resume everyday. Most likely you are not trained to be objectively write about yourself. if you are…then you are better qualified than 99.0% of your competition.
If you are like most of the other professional managers out there and you excel at managing people, processes and products fell free to take a quick glance at the sample management resumes this sample resume site provides. Do not spend too much time looking as you need to make a fairly important decision that is going to affect your short term and long term cash flow.
When done properly short term pain leads to long term gain.
Here are the choices you need to manage:
1. You can immediately invest $20 in your career and download a series of professional management resumes and templates that you can edit.
2. You can invest $40 in your management resume and download our management resume builder that comes with a no questions asked money back guarantee.
3. You could invest in hiring a certified professional resume writer and resume writing service that will guarantee you get interviewed.
That wasn’t hard was it?
This is how your Management Resume can look
MBA Sample Resume
Although you have spent a good deal of time and a great deal of money investing in your MBA program and you would like to scream about it from the roof tops the truth is an MBA sample resume is no different than any other professional / executive resume.
The only caveat would be if you are a student who has just completed an MBA program and have little or no paid professional work experience.
You will find an MBA sample resume below but it will do you little good actually.
Let me ask you my MBA sample resume searching friend. Would the CEO of a Fortune 500 company be found creating sales collateral or sales brochures? Probably not, because that is not one of the many professional and desirable skill sets they possess and employ on a regular basis.
Likewise you are not a professional resume writer with the ability to be write objectively about yourself. If you think you are you are kidding yourself.
If the position you seek is also being sought by standard college graduates then you are in luck as a vast majority of them will operate with a homemade resume and your homespun MBA resume will not stick out like a sore MBA thumb.
Use A Professional Resume Writer
On the other hand if the position you are seeking will only attract other MBA graduates and other high end executives you are in a bucket full of trouble if you even think about utilizing homemade career documents.
Now is not the time to have short arms. Now is the time to step on the gas full throttle. I can guarantee you that a majority of your job seeking competitors will employ the expert skills and advice only a certified (not quite like and MBA) professional resume writer can provide.
Have your MBA resume custom written by a professional resume writing service that guarantees you get interviewed.
MBA Sample Resume
Sample Engineering Resume
A sample engineering resume can be helpful when an engineer needs to write a resume. Seeing what format, style and layout the engineering industry is using, can never hurt. What you do next with the engineering sample resume will probably be the difference between getting an interview or not.
Professional Sales Brochure
An engineer by nature is a technical thinker and writing a professional sales brochure is probably not one of his strengths. Like it or not, your engineering resume needs to be a product sales brochure and the product is you.
The purpose of your engineering resume, if written properly, is to create interest and interviews. A simple and straightforward goal that often escapes the engineering and technical communities as a whole.
Professional Resume Writer
The engineers that are getting interviewed and hired are the engineers who invest in themselves and their careers. You do the engineering and leave the persuasive resume writing to a professional resume writer. You save time, effort and a lot of money. If, by hiring a professional resume writer, you get hired and put on the payroll two weeks faster….you are probably a few thousand dollars ahead of the engineer who is working with a homemade resume that didn’t get him an interview even though he may be a great engineer and a perfect fit for the position.
Hire a Professional Resume Writer That Guarantees the Interview
Graduate Resumes
Sample Resume Graduate
Ah…to be a new graduate. Congratulations you have graduated. Like most new graduates you are computer savvy and are not afraid to source the Internet.
Searching online for a sample graduate resume is not the worst idea you have ever had. Finding a graduate sample resume is not the hard part because you are a computer whiz bang and at very least you found this sample resume web site. The hard part my new graduate friend is knowing what to do with that free sample resume you just located on the world wide web.
I am guessing you figure you can find a graduate sample resume…make a few changes…then shotgun that new graduate resume to any employer who is smart enough to hire a new graduate and almost instantly your telephone will be ringing off the hook with companies wanting to interview you and give you the keys to the castle. The chances of that happening are about as likely as you finding an employer that wants you to show up for work around lunch time.
Let me cut to the chase as I know you are busy and probably have some tweeting to do.
If you were an employer and you had two job candidates. One is an Ivy League graduate and the other just graduated from a free correspondence school or Internet diploma mill….which graduate would you hire?
The point I am trying to make is that you get what you pay for. The facts are that you have invested a lot of time, effort and money to become a new graduate. Why in the world would you stop investing in yourself now? Are you such an outstanding writer that you are willing to bet your home crafted You Tube resume is better than the other graduates you are competing with? Have you written so many resumes your friends and colleagues refer to you as the Interview Magnet?
If you are not the Interview Magnet or an accomplished resume writer, you need help, advice and tools to make a resume that will result in you being woken at 8am by calls from companies wanting to interview you.
I have three recommendations for you:
Download our editable professional resume writing samples.
Utilize our Resume Builder that comes with a satisfaction Guarantee.
Use a Professional Resume Writing Service that Guarantees the Interview.
If you are still in the post graduation fog and insist on looking at a sample resume for a graduate…knock yourself out as I have provided one below.
Sample Resume Graduate
Sample Sales Resume
A sales resume should come easily for an individual who is involved in sales. The concept that a resume is a sales brochure designed to create interest in a particular product should come as no surprise.
Sell Yourself
Your sales resume should stand out and quickly identify to the buyer / reader what is being sold and what are the benefits of the product. If the sales resume has been written and designed properly it will motivate the reader to act.
Before writing your sales resume take the time to put yourself in the shoes of the reader and develop a strategy or outline that will lead the reader of your resume to react the way you want them to react. The individual that reads your sales resume can react in a few different ways. They can remove you and your sales resume from further consideration, they can keep your sales resume on hand for further consideration or if your sales resume has done its job they can and will contact you IMMEDIATELY.
Sales Resumes Written by a Professional who will get you NOTICED!
Sample Resume for Sales Position

Sample Sales Resume
Sales Resumes Samples
Sales resumes samples are an excellent tool for sales professionals to get a good idea on how to go about getting their message across.
No two sales resumes are the same but you can certainly get a lot of good tips and ideas by reviewing a series of sample sales resumes that have been custom written by a professional resume writer. Not just any mom and pop resume writer but a resume writer who is professional, certified and works within and understands the industry you work in.
Sales Resumes
Sales resumes samples can be a very large category and can have you spending hours searching for a sample sales resume in your industry. As a sales professional you should have a good understanding and appreciation for product brochures.
A sales resume is the same thing. A professional brochure to aid in getting a product bought. In this case the product is you the sales professional.
If you are a professional writer and write all of the ad copy for your successful product you are good to go and need little help with making a resume that will have your telephone ringing. If on the other hand you are not a professional writer and do not know how to write a resume or make a resume, you need professional help.
You have a few reasonable options.
3. Breakdown and invest in yourself by hiring a professional resume writer
Sales Resumes Samples

Sales Resumes Samples : Sales Resumes Examples
Engineer Sample Resume
Engineer Sample Resume
By nature, education and experience an engineer is often detail oriented.
If you are utilizing an engineer sample resume pay attention to the details. Is the engineer sample you are looking at for all engineers or a specific engineer? Each engineering resume sample will be different and serve a different purpose.
An electrical engineers resume sample will do you no good if you are a mechanical engineer.
The toughest part of creating a professional engineering resume is the words used to portray your skills and experience. The layout, format or style of the resume is an important consideration when writing your engineers resume but the words you use to describe your engineering experience and education should be your priority.
Use a Professional Resume Writer
Let me give you some free resume advice. Be sure not to become overly technical in the writing of your resume. There is a good chance the initial reader of your resume will not be technically oriented and you do not want to bore them to death with the mundane details only an engineer would understand and appreciate.
The goal of your engineering resume is to make your telephone ring not make a recruiter or human resources employee scream for mercy.
If you are not a professional writer with the ability to be objective about yourself your resume writing is best left to a professional or at very least a resume builder application that will help you with suggested phrases that people want to read rather than delete.
Sample Resume for Engineers

Engineer Sample Resume : sample Engineering Resume